GIANT gouramis

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
My albino "true" giant gouarmi is around 28" and is the most amazing fish ive ever had! he's like a lil puppy dog, always happy to see me. he does NOT like strangers, and "plays" with me when i tap on his tank. when i have my arm in the tank doing maint. he swims by and rubs on my arm, much like a cat does on your leg! truely amazing fish!!!
^^ Welcome to the forum.^^

Any pics?
A couple of quick videos:

Here's a pick of my 2 little guys. They are in a 360 gallon with another 17" RTGG , XB arowana, 2 BDL rays and a school of loaches and misc plecos.
Nice color! I have 2 of them since 5" size there now both around 15-18". I believe I have a pair male and female. I raised them in a 300g but had to move them to a 100g as they were getting to aggressive toward there tank mates.
hey guys you may have seen me posing a few pages erlier about building my 470g tank, just want to let u know its up and running with fish, but think it is too small to house a gg for life so im not getting one after all
glad to hear the tank is up and going,would love some pics.gallon wise its plenty for a GG but the foot print is the main factor.if not a GG there is always a RTGG to think about.