GIANT gouramis

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
zennzzo;2595428; said:
Those pics are like a month old, it is amazing how fast he's growing. Power feeding helps.:naughty:

Here's one I just took
Should there have been two photo's?

I take it PCH is growing at the rate of 1-1.5'' a month?
Nice Pic BTW

mark7616;2595443; said:
Oh ok I understand now mine is 4" so I would say its a GG not that im bothered but its always nice to know exactly what you have isn`t it?
It is nice to know
What diet are you guys feeding your juvie gouramis to help in growth at the minute mine eats the hikari pellets that go in for the cichlids, earthworm pellets and loves the prawn I put in for the knife and dats. Is there anything special I should be feeding the GG or is its diet ok?
mark7616;2595504; said:
What diet are you guys feeding your juvie gouramis to help in growth at the minute mine eats the hikari pellets that go in for the cichlids, earthworm pellets and loves the prawn I put in for the knife and dats. Is there anything special I should be feeding the GG or is its diet ok?
Veg, veg and more veg. They will eat anything and by anything that includes pizza but go for veg.

Lettuce, mango, pomegranate seed are a favorite as well. Ours goes through a lettuce every other day.
zennzzo;2595508; said:
I been power feeding blood worms till a few days ago when he started eating Hikari Food Sticks...
Bloodwood cubes, daphnia cubes were getting expensive so he doesn't get them as much now, especially at 4-8 cubes a sitting, having said that the oscars get through enough
Heres a couple of new pix.

BIGgourami;677965; said:
i'm new to the site and was wondering if anyone kept giant gouramis. not the little six inch ones that are claimed to be giants but the two foot monsters of my dreams.

There's one at my LFS that's over 10yrs old and about 2ft long.
I'll get some pics for you next time I'm in there.