Could I do a few blood parrots? Or is there a peacock bass that can go in a 55 gallon long term?
In a 55 no more than two. Parrots range 6-10". If yours get over 6" absolutely not. Too much bioload and they get more territorial as they age.
Could I do a few blood parrots? Or is there a peacock bass that can go in a 55 gallon long term?
I have a few different species of goodeids, xenotoca lyonsi is one that I know can fend for itself against the likes of convicts etc. Typically I keep them in cold-water but occasionally if I got too many I keep them with medium sized cichlids. Kind of funny they do nip at the convicts but I personally wouldn't house with any Bichir as they can pick at slow moving fish such as their eyes or fins. Might get snacked on too if it annoys the Bichir.Wait I can livebearers with convicts and a bichir? I've been wanting to get livebearers so badly! I just thought they would be food for my other fish.
Don't get just one Pictus cat. Drop them from your list unless you are ready for at least six or more of them. They are simular to Tetras as in they like to be in groups of the same. Yes, can and has been kept as singles, but when kept in groups their real personality/activities comes thru and is more fun and exciting than a solo cat hiding all day.
Example of parrot size. Here's one of my parrots Tango at 8"+ next to a quarter. Some get to 10".
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+1Platinums grow to the full size, it’s albinos that stay smaller. And how about this sab, if you’re set on the parrot then get all the other fish first, let them grow into adults, see how the tank is doing, and then if your parameters and fish are good then you can look into getting a parrot?