I’m gathering you are looking for some to tell you and agree with you about jamming all the fish you want in the tank, which, will not happen.
I also agree with another poster, you need to really look at which fish you really want (which one fish you want, not 2, not 3, one)....when you pick that fish, build your tank around that.
However, I seen JDs suggested to you so I will make a comment on this species. I have a 75g tank, currently have three of them in the tank. I will be adding two more shortly for a total of 5 JDs in my tank. The part that makes me sad, but I knew this when I choose them, I will be rehoming three JDs eventually...leaving me with 2 JDs, I will have a beautiful pair of fish when all is said and done. For tank mates I am going to be doing a biotype, so adding species from the same area. So I will have JDs and Molly fish in my 75g tank. With both types of fish breeding there will be plenty of action and movement in my tank.
So far I am super happy with my tank. And if I get bored of it, I can change decor, driftwood, rocks, plants, substrate...it will never be a boring tank and there is lots of things to change and keep it fresh looking.
So pick your fish and build around it.
If you simply cannot choose, get a bigger tank....if you cannot get a bigger tank and do not want to accept some of the advise given, you could just put whatever fish you want in the tank and learn the hard way...the only thing positive about the hard way is you will find out which fish you enjoy the most, unfortunately the fish will have to suffer for your decisions...
Another thing you could do is purchase a fish you think you want, raise it up a little and if you don’t like it re-home it, buy your next fish and repeat until you find THE fish for you...sometimes we also like different fish that just do not belong in the same tank and we need multiple tanks...which who are we kidding, that’s never a bad thing! I once had 6 tanks going in my home! Just have fun with it, it’s a hobby, not something to be stressing over