A AngelicGreenTerror Candiru MFK Member Sep 25, 2005 516 1 48 El paso, Texas Dec 20, 2005 #521 Black racer snake?
N nativelover Feeder Fish MFK Member May 30, 2005 1,287 1 0 35 socal www.myspace.com Dec 24, 2005 #523 florida king? prolly not, but hey, what do i know.lol maybe a black mamba?
N nativelover Feeder Fish MFK Member May 30, 2005 1,287 1 0 35 socal www.myspace.com Dec 24, 2005 #524 ok if not the above, (wich a quick google search proved them not.) how about a carolina black swamp snake. (seminatrix pygaea paludis)
ok if not the above, (wich a quick google search proved them not.) how about a carolina black swamp snake. (seminatrix pygaea paludis)
M Marcel_h Candiru MFK Member May 25, 2005 157 0 46 43 The Netherlands Dec 24, 2005 #525 Nope none of the above they live in central and south-america
G guppy Small Squiggly Thing Apr 15, 2005 11,582 87 0 confused, lost, and lonely Dec 24, 2005 #526 One of the Clelias? perhaps Clelia clelia?
M Marcel_h Candiru MFK Member May 25, 2005 157 0 46 43 The Netherlands Dec 25, 2005 #527 jep thats the one
G guppy Small Squiggly Thing Apr 15, 2005 11,582 87 0 confused, lost, and lonely Dec 27, 2005 #528 How about this viviparous lizard?
G guppy Small Squiggly Thing Apr 15, 2005 11,582 87 0 confused, lost, and lonely Dec 28, 2005 #529 bump
G guppy Small Squiggly Thing Apr 15, 2005 11,582 87 0 confused, lost, and lonely Dec 29, 2005 #530 Here is a clue, Mexico and Central America.