• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Guianacura sp.

Wow! Gorgeous fish! Awesome progress! Let me know if you ever need to remove afee of the babies ;)
Unfortunately, I'm not set for shipping.
Mine are also growing, though they do seem quite slow growers compared to other cichlids I have raised. Or maybe its just that I am too anxious for them to grow so I can put my Bujurquinas in the tank the babies are currently occupying! Anyway they are doing well, very active and greedy little fishes and always rush to the front glass when anyone approaches. I have 16 in a 63 gallon tank with a few other small fish, and about 12 in the 10 gallon tank I put the free swimmers in originally. The parents don't seem to have had any success since the first time, I think their tank is probably too crowded. They have filled the original cave and are working on one behind a rock at the back of the tank where unfortunately I can't really see what is going on.
Mine are also growing, though they do seem quite slow growers compared to other cichlids I have raised. Or maybe its just that I am too anxious for them to grow so I can put my Bujurquinas in the tank the babies are currently occupying! Anyway they are doing well, very active and greedy little fishes and always rush to the front glass when anyone approaches. I have 16 in a 63 gallon tank with a few other small fish, and about 12 in the 10 gallon tank I put the free swimmers in originally. The parents don't seem to have had any success since the first time, I think their tank is probably too crowded. They have filled the original cave and are working on one behind a rock at the back of the tank where unfortunately I can't really see what is going on.
I haven't seen my female recently so I'm hoping she's just found a new cave!!
My pair have been trying out various caves and now have free swimming young again. At the moment they are doing quite a good job keeping all the other fish to one half of the the tank, but I can't rescue any fry this time as I still have the others growing out and not more spare tanks. I don't suppose they will last very long but its good to see the parents trying to keep the fry inside the cave and other fish away.
