During the height of the summer heat the water got green and the fish breeding slowed. It picked up again as the weather cooled slightly.
When I find time I will be adding the airpump and installing air lines to each tub.
These are the blonde snakeskins. The males grew nicely. Added elodea which also struggled in the heat.
These are the double sword ginga rubra. They have done well. It has been hard catching the odd misfit fry and there is one random guppy I cannot catch.
These are the Rainbow Ring. They have done really well. Put on size and bred well.
These are the yellow snake skins. They hardly bred, or fry hardly made it but the adults put on good size for spring.
The bottom sword Ginga Rubra Gand fair well and incresed numbers.
About a month ago I added water spinach to help clear water. It did ok and will see how it fairs. It will also help fry have a hide out spot.
The blonde snakeskins again. The females were fully loaded.
Tested out netting to give the guppies some shade and it seemed to make them happier so I have covered all the tubs.