Guppy Line Breeding Project Log

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Got the first of 10 or 12 tubs up on the roof and cycled. I will be taking all the chief yellow lace's fry and putting them in there to grow over the summer months and select the next breeding generation.

The screened overflow is more for when it rains so the tub doesn't overflow taking fry with it. It also allows me to use a hose to do a partial water change if it doesn't rain for a a week or two.
The media in the bottle is already cycled. The large bio-media logs are being seeded for the sump of my panda loach breeding rack.
For time being I am using a regular dual outlet air pump. Once I get to more than 4 tubs on the roof I will buy a smaller central airpump of about 30L/min to run them.

Here are the airline outlets and hosing I ordered. Also in the box is 10 small, screened, PVC, bulkhead outlets.
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About 12 fry have been culled as their colors were way off from the parents.
Here are some quick shots from today:







cockroach cockroach ! I have to admit, that i love you're structured mind. What stands out the most, Is the fact that you expanded your hobby into the school. Education and dedication is a marvelous combination. The way you build an ideal environment for these fish is very constructive. It's simply amazing to see this all happening in photo's. Hats off to you bro, and thank you for letting us see this masterpiece happen. :)
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Thank you very much for the kind words. Really appreciated.

Still a lot of work to be done but the kids are getting into it now. As we are in the beginning phases we have not been too strict to keep them interested with all the colors and action.
Two of the students will be approaching 2 local fish stores and seeing if we can sell unwanted guppies to them as they said selling to school mates will lead to too many silly (as they put it) deaths.
Some quick bad quality pics. This also helps keep dates of strains.
The all male grow out tank. These are males we are looking to keep and the smaller ones are being grown out to see if there are traits we want from them for our program. Most came from tanks where females dropped babies that at birth or when developing color showed different colors than the strain in the tank.
This is tank looks like a clown vomited in it. Just color everywhere.

This was the color of the Snakeskin Chief's first batch of boys a while back.

This is what they look like today.

These are the Chief's grandson's

And this was the blonde mutation son that came from the Chief's line. They seem to be breeding only blonde fry which is good. We will watch how their color develops. We used rubra ginga females as they were the only blonde colored females we had.

The blue delta tails have had the most males come out looking like the sires after the rubra ginga's. We currently have 6 potential young males looking to carry on the genes.

This is one of the young endler type males starting to color up and challenge his dad. His sibling males did not have good finnage so were moved to the mixed male tank to grow out and see if they will develop into anything usable.

The father
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This rack had to be dismantled as the new semester started. The ESL classes have taken a lot more preference and the science classes have now changed from a hands on class to a common core aligned course in English so it is a lot of work for the kids.

It will be re-assmebled in the future once I have time to paint the stand, clean the tanks and fix all the piping and hosing. All the fish were moved to tubs on the roof but lost quite a few as a day or two after adding them, There was a rainy spell of about 6 weeks that was relentless and I had not drilled holes yet. So we lost quite a few.

The tubs are now drilled getting their lillies for sun cover and will plant something for fry cover. I combined the snakeskin strains into one tub and the the endler types were combined too.
There are now 9 tubs on the roof and I have finally started seeing fry in the tubs.

The day I set them up.

After adding the drilled holes. Airlines and pumps will be installed as I get some time. Due to typhoons and earthquakes etc, I have to installed the airpump above the ground, under a small roof to protect it.

The water turned a nice green color from all the sun which is good for the fry but hard on my eyes trying to spot them. It is slowly clearing up and settling nicely.
During the height of the summer heat the water got green and the fish breeding slowed. It picked up again as the weather cooled slightly.
When I find time I will be adding the airpump and installing air lines to each tub.
These are the blonde snakeskins. The males grew nicely. Added elodea which also struggled in the heat.


These are the double sword ginga rubra. They have done well. It has been hard catching the odd misfit fry and there is one random guppy I cannot catch.

These are the Rainbow Ring. They have done really well. Put on size and bred well.

These are the yellow snake skins. They hardly bred, or fry hardly made it but the adults put on good size for spring.

The bottom sword Ginga Rubra Gand fair well and incresed numbers.

About a month ago I added water spinach to help clear water. It did ok and will see how it fairs. It will also help fry have a hide out spot.

The blonde snakeskins again. The females were fully loaded.

Tested out netting to give the guppies some shade and it seemed to make them happier so I have covered all the tubs.
More pics.
The rainbow ring had a batch of males grow up quickly in the heat and feeding regime.

The yellow Snakeskin Syndicate had a few little males grow up and color nicely in the sun.

The Endler Type Tribe were combined with the double swords went bananas and have increased in numbers. In spring I will select about 8 females and 5 males to continue. Our community has a pond so I just drop culls in there.

The Blue Bandits have also fared well but I have noticed three different tail colors emerging. Will sort them in the next month or so.

Males looking good.

The bottom swords of the Ginga Rubra Gang. They started late but caught up quickly.

This is the lucky packet bin. All mixed and see what happens. It will be almost emptied and only 4 males and 5 - 8 females replaced.
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