Some more pics from today.
I really need to practice with this camera and lens more. I am ok on auto settings but need to learn to tweak the manual ones to get better pics. Then I have to look more into editing to get better results.
The fish however are thriving. Tanks are filling with babies and for such young and small females they seem to be producing decent numbers. Changing to using aged water has proven to be a great step forward. I am not convinced the 40% every 2 days WC is as effective as we like to think but we are keeping it up. I think the diet is helping as well. We will soon look into starting BBS hatchery and some other cultures. Perhaps microworms and daphnia.
This is one of the two strains of the Endler type we have. I like these and they are easy to care for. The female is also nice.

This is the strain of Ginga rubra we are looking to add blue to.
These multicolor guppies are the most aggressive and most prone to eating their offspring. It could be due to their larger size compared to the other strains we have. The female sin particular go for gold. The tank has a lot of guppy grass in it.
This blue strain will be mixed with one of the Ginga rubra strains to try to add more blue to it at a later date. The two males must be related as they came in at different times and different sizes but look very similar. The female sin this tank are young and only have a few offspring at a time. For now.
Some of the growouts from before we separated all the colors/strains.
These are some of the males we have growing out. We put them all in one tank to see how they would develop.