I last posted a picture of my parrot back in January, and estimated he was maybe 10" or so. He's well over that now. I'm guessing between 12 - 14"? He swims away whenever I pull out a ruler so it's hard to tell. I just know that he dwarfs everything else in the tank at this point.
Sorry for the nasty glass... I was in the middle of a water change. I tend to take pictures/videos during water change time because I'm bored.
He's outstanding, Ryan! He has excellent color, size, and patterns. The rest of the stock looks great too. Didn't you have Lents with that Parrot at one time? Thanks for sharing.
Yep. Unfortunately, the lents got a bit too boisterous. If you want them, you know where to find them!
Mine never really exhibits the solid green color that other people seem to talk about with their parrots. He's always either a bright blue color or the mottled color which you see in the video. That's his angry/aggressive mode. He tends to get really moody and aggressive during water change time. He's constantly attacking and chasing everything else in the tank. He has a real bad attitude.
The other tankmates include a trio of Atapabo severums, six Geophagus brachybranchus, two Geophagus winemilleri, a super red severum, and a Saxatilis pike. The severums currently have week-old fry which causes war to break out between them and the psittacus.
she looks great ryan! what size tank is she in. about the only tankmate i've had good luck with is my dat who keeps her in check. she tore up all my other cichlids. my pike is too fast for her though so he gets away when she gets angry