Hey all,
The addiction has hit me, as soon as I had my 4 baby sens in the bag walking to the checkout line I instantly got the appeal of polys

I'm also sick to death of the aggression with cichlids, not done with cichlids as I'll be keeping the smaller more peaceful ones but I'm pretty much done with aggressive cichlids. This is kind of hypocritical because of what I want to try lol but more in a minute.
My future plan is to get a 180, maybe bigger? And stock it with my 8" Argentea, who so far has been a totally uncharacteristically good citizen, and polys. If the Argentea takes a turn for the worse I will be on top of it and I will get him out of there.
I'm actually pretty open to suggestions stock wise, the only must is an Ornate- I love them. I'm also growing really fond of Teug's. You guys are the experts, let me know what you would do to start maybe?