Help Me Poly Stock

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Ooh thanks for reminding me about polli's. I really like the one magpie magpie has, beautiful fish. I'm lucky my girlfriend is actually the one that got me into this hobby in the first place :)

I loved the polli I had it was very active and personable also don't forget the ropes they don't always get as much attention on here as the rest but they are definitely a must and should be kept in groups of atleast 3
I loved the polli I had it was very active and personable also don't forget the ropes they don't always get as much attention on here as the rest but they are definitely a must and should be kept in groups of atleast 3

Yeah I really like them too, are there a ton of variants to them also? I have no knowledge on them

kewpiefishypewpie kewpiefishypewpie oh that's right! sorry, i saw your thread a few weeks ago saying that you moved there and didn't put 2 and 2 together. That's a beautiful area

Deja vu lol
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Congrats on the pollys!. I would definitely get a delhezi!

It was actually your Ordering Delhezis thread that was the initial spark of interest, J jaws7777 and others responses were so friendly and welcoming that it made the polys themselves very endearing
Hey all,

The addiction has hit me, as soon as I had my 4 baby sens in the bag walking to the checkout line I instantly got the appeal of polys :) I'm also sick to death of the aggression with cichlids, not done with cichlids as I'll be keeping the smaller more peaceful ones but I'm pretty much done with aggressive cichlids. This is kind of hypocritical because of what I want to try lol but more in a minute.

My future plan is to get a 180, maybe bigger? And stock it with my 8" Argentea, who so far has been a totally uncharacteristically good citizen, and polys. If the Argentea takes a turn for the worse I will be on top of it and I will get him out of there.

I'm actually pretty open to suggestions stock wise, the only must is an Ornate- I love them. I'm also growing really fond of Teug's. You guys are the experts, let me know what you would do to start maybe?

Mwaaaaahaahaa (evil laugh) the poly section is on fire lol

Lots of us start out with uper jaw then migrate towards lower jaws dont really know why lol
Dr.b has a poly comm with mixed uj and lj so search his threads.
It all boils down to personal oponion or tastes. I prefer lower jaws because they look more prehistoric to me. As for aggression you never know. I have had more problems with uj than lower jaws. There was a time when even my little sen was nippy.
Glad your not put off by the ornates aggression. I love them too just takes a little tweaking and luck. Plenty of people have them and had no issues.

If i were gonna stock a 180 i'd probably get most of them from toyin (rehobothaquatics) and would do something like this.
Faranah endli
Faranah lap
Cb ornate
Ansorgii (not a huge fan but everyone loves them
Black volta endli
Cb endli (love the crazy patterns but always the chance of poor genetics, worth it the gamble)
Absolutely a congicus (my favirote poly)
And maybe a teugelsi

All boils down to what you like, have fun poly shopping !
Mwaaaaahaahaa (evil laugh) the poly section is on fire lol

Lots of us start out with uper jaw then migrate towards lower jaws dont really know why lol
Dr.b has a poly comm with mixed uj and lj so search his threads.
It all boils down to personal oponion or tastes. I prefer lower jaws because they look more prehistoric to me. As for aggression you never know. I have had more problems with uj than lower jaws. There was a time when even my little sen was nippy.
Glad your not put off by the ornates aggression. I love them too just takes a little tweaking and luck. Plenty of people have them and had no issues.

If i were gonna stock a 180 i'd probably get most of them from toyin (rehobothaquatics) and would do something like this.
Faranah endli
Faranah lap
Cb ornate
Ansorgii (not a huge fan but everyone loves them
Black volta endli
Cb endli (love the crazy patterns but always the chance of poor genetics, worth it the gamble)
Absolutely a congicus (my favirote poly)
And maybe a teugelsi

All boils down to what you like, have fun poly shopping !
No kolibao_O lolz
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