I decided to move some fish around tonight. The notatus fry are getting big now and I decided to move them up to a 55 gallon. Their parents were in a 55, so I decided to move the parents into my 210 community and put the fry in the 55.
I flipped on the lights in the 55 and found the parents sitting on hundreds of wrigglers.
I didn't even know they had spawned again! I siphoned them all out, moved the parents, scrubbed the tank, and moved the F1s up. Now the new wrigglers are going into the 20g. The only difference is that, this time, there are about 6 times as many. What am I going to do with all these notatus?!
I also wanted to share something with everyone. There had been some questions about fused/extra stress bars on young severums. Some assumed this was a result of hybrids or inbreeding. I've observed that about 75% of the F1 notatus I raised have either a fused 5th & 6th bar, or they have half of a bar between the 5th and 6th bars. As far as I can tell, the parents do not show fused bars. The parents were wild-caught fish and they are both definitely notatus. I have seen the same thing with my turquoise grow-outs that I spawned last November. I don't know what causes it, but I can assure you it's not always from inbreeding or hybridizing.
Pictures soon!