The first batch of fry I grew to 1/2 - 3/4" all developed their bars and a majority of them had correct barring. Even at that size the little half-seventh bar was noticeable. Go look at all the wild adults sold and you will see that almost all of them have this feature.
Severums, like discus, do sometimes have fused or forked bars. I've had Heros liberifer and H. efasciatus with crooked or forked bars. It's entirely possible. The thing is, it's usually a very small percentage of individuals.
You also have to consider that sometimes H. sp. Inirida shows a half seventh bar, and there are also severums from Rio Casiquiare with the same coloration as H. severus but with 9 full bars. So I'm wondering if some of these fish are all coming from the same area and being sold as H. severus when really they're a mix of types. It's hard to say.
It's no surprise to me that people are having trouble with the health of the fry. I have culled every batch of mine so far because they are weak and drop like flies after about two weeks. I think I know why, and I'm going to be testing that out on the next spawn. If it turns out to be right, I'll document it here.
These fish are not mouthbrooders. Here's my pair with day-old free swimmers.