Heros sp. 'Curare' - potentially the real Heros severus

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Mom seems ready to go again. Fingers crossed.

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WOW!! These are truly awesome looking sevs!! Blown away by their awesome colours will be following for more updates on fry raising .. best of luck
I just picked up some 1/2" "red tiger severum" at my LFS in Toronto. They have the same half bar at the back like your adults, and came from a wholesaler in the U.S... I'm thinking/hoping that I have some of your F1's.
They're not mine but supposedly F1 are being farm raised in South America. A pet store in Louisiana had some as well.
It looks like these may be reclassified as Heros severus. The mouthbrooders have now been identified as Heros liberifer.
tlindsey tlindsey