Ok guys, let me try to give you guys a breakdown of these red points and their generations:
Ken Davis striped blue male/ Gen 1
Rusty wessel patternless blue female/ Gen 1
Creates super blue/ Gen 2. all offspring from
Gen 2 have stripes, since stripes are the dominant allele. No fry came out patternless, but! They all had the females super blue background color.
i then took a beautiful fluorescent green male from a separate line that I’ve had for a couple years (he was sent to me from a friend up in New Jersey, along with another green female) and I bred him with a Gen 2 super blue female.
The offspring then came out 1/3 green, 1/3 blue, 1/3 mixed blue-green. It’s hard to tell when they’re young but as they age, you can definitely tell which fish has which genes. Something that helps me is all my fish from my green line have 5 stripes, and all of the fish from my blue line have 6 stripes. But now that they’ve mixed, I have some blue ones with 5 stripes and green ones with 6 stripes and
blue-green ones with both 5 & 6 stripes.
now the green male does have a green female partner that he’s produced plenty of fry with, so I have a lot of green adolescent red points in one of my tanks.
I hope I didn’t confuse anybody lol just wanted to give a rundown of my experiment!