Kevin (tuic), Joe Middleton (now wetspot), bioaquatix, and Chris Butcher (on Aquabid) all breed pure Honduran red points, so if you have any of those you're good. They are all descended from the same group, as HRPs were only really collected like once or twice by Rusty. I currently have fry available from a Kevin male and bioaquatix female.
Rusty has been keeping his colony going since he collected them, he had like 4 or 5 tanks of them at his fish house when I went to visit. Every once in awhile he'll auction off a group of juveniles at an ACA meeting/convention (where I got mine).
Unfortunately I will likely not have pure blue fry from Rusty available, as the group I got ended up being all males (I think). I originally intended on crossing all of the lines anyway. I intend on keeping all of my males as well. You may be in luck with the platinums however, as I got lucky with two pairs out of my group of four, and they have just reached breeding age/size.