Well I mixed the lines. I had Red Points from 2 trusted sources. When they bred, the offspring carried genomes from both parents. The Gen 1 Dad (green male from rusty) bred with the Gen 1 mom (blue female from Ken Davis) and the offspring were 1/3 blue, 1/3 green and 1/3 mixed with characteristics from both. For some reason, the offspring (Gen 2) were more colorful than the Gen 1 parents. The super blue male that I just posted a picture of is Gen 2. I then took him because he was the bluest male, and pared him with the bluest female of the batch, and created Gen 3, which were super blue as well, and all of those bred true to their parents. but they all got sick and died when I was having a problem with the parasites in my tank. So now I have my Gen 1 couple, Gen 2 couple, and a few green Gen 2’s. My super blue gen 2 couple just laid eggs and they’re raising fry right now.