I've experienced similar diversity in my hrp batches. The blue gray stripe/tall beefy body is dominant.
1st generation: Pip (silver/blue/striped/belly spangles) + Mango (pink calico). Offspring 80% blue gray striped, 20% silvery bluish gray blanks with faded pink (no stripes). Of the blanks all of them developed faded stripes later. Pip's tall body type is also dominant, with some offspring having elongated shape like Mongo.
2nd generation: Speck (silver stripe/red belly) +Slade (pink calico sibling to Mongo). Speck is a daughter of Pip and Mongo, so 50% pink gene. Her gray is brighter in tone, more silver. Offspring between Speck/Slade 75% pink gene. Striped fry a bright silver with huge red belly blotches. Some pink calico fry have red blotch on belly. Roughly 50/50 pink and striped fry from three groups.
3rd generation: Blackbeard and Dotty, two calico pink offspring out of Slade and Speck, 100% pink fry. Elongated shape starting to dominate. Some fry showing intense blue fins and orange belly blotches.
3rd generation: Flash (Silver striped /red belly) + Sqiuggy (pink calico) about 60/40% pink/striped.
I have one unique calico out of Slade and Speck, Harlequin. This fish is pink with red and black marking with bright blue fins. A real firecracker.
So far no solid pinks yet. I'm curious to see if any of the pink males will grow tall and massive like the original stiped generation. All of them have the long bodies.
Two different body types seem to be connected to color. I posted up awhile ago at the crazy size differential, some massive fry 4 to 5 times the size of others.