This is very interesting. A friend of mine up in New Jersey is breeding his HRP to become the bluest he can produce, which is where I got the line breeding project idea from. When his HRP produce fry, half of them come out blue, and the other half come out grey like the fish in Ken’s picture. My buddy also purchased his from Ken Davis a few years back, So that would explain it. I’m guessing this could be a grey version of HRP? I’ve witnessed it for myself where half of his brood are beautiful bright blue, and the other half look like convicts with red tails, and they have the same parents. Very interesting indeed.
She made it!?!?! Wow!!SHE MADE IT
The brother of my brute male HRP bred with one of the females I got from Ken Davis's batch that looks like a convict before I got rid of Ken's line. Only a few offspring made it bc I didn't care to save them. But I did notice that most of them were convict like with reddish tail while two blue ones look decent. I don't intend to breed the convict look a likes but plan to test breed the blue ones to see if they'll still make convict look a likes. If they do, I will scrap that batch and keep the two blue ones just for a show tank.
Send pics when you get a chance!