How’s the weather?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
More or less what I expected. But lets keep some perspective here...

I am laughing at your use of the term "severe" to describe those balmy 7C conditions...but on the other hand, hearing about temps like 50C literally astonishes me. 50C sounds like a temperature being created in a lab experiment, not something that is being experienced outdoors.

Many jobsites where I have worked will limit or discontinue work once temps reach 90F (32C) and certainly none will discourage workers who take frequent and lengthy cool-down breaks. I specifically recall one instance when I and two others were installing controls on a paint-drying booth in a car plant. The work was being done in a small area directly above the booth; we were closely monitored by safety personnel. We were not allowed to remain in that area for more than 10 minutes at a time, with at least 20 minutes cool-down required before our next 10-minute "shift". One person at a time was allowed into the hot zone, and it was required that another worker always be observing from outside...not working on anything else, but actively watching the "hot" worker continuously.

The temperature was a blistering 100F...about 38C. Okay, your turn to laugh. :)

100 F is hot, I would be taking shifts too! o-o
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More or less what I expected. But lets keep some perspective here...

I am laughing at your use of the term "severe" to describe those balmy 7C conditions...but on the other hand, hearing about temps like 50C literally astonishes me. 50C sounds like a temperature being created in a lab experiment, not something that is being experienced outdoors.

Many jobsites where I have worked will limit or discontinue work once temps reach 90F (32C) and certainly none will discourage workers who take frequent and lengthy cool-down breaks. I specifically recall one instance when I and two others were installing controls on a paint-drying booth in a car plant. The work was being done in a small area directly above the booth; we were closely monitored by safety personnel. We were not allowed to remain in that area for more than 10 minutes at a time, with at least 20 minutes cool-down required before our next 10-minute "shift". One person at a time was allowed into the hot zone, and it was required that another worker always be observing from outside...not working on anything else, but actively watching the "hot" worker continuously.

The temperature was a blistering 100F...about 38C. Okay, your turn to laugh. :)
here in ksa work continues despite these high temps since it is the average temp. ACs are very common here and helps a bit, but not that much
50c is 122f and 7c is 44f. I’ve experienced some hot days down here in Georgia but I can’t recall a time it hit 110 so 122 is crazy. We’re a bit more adaptable to the cold so 44 is when I get out my big fluffy jacket. A few years ago it was in the teens and god, I had several jackets on and at one point I had two pairs of pants on. I even doubled up on socks. Y’all are built different ar, good luck with that heat.

Today is a lovely 75 with a high of 82 where I am, nice all around.
yeah i will need that good luck. not only for me but my pets too. i will have to figure out to maintain a suitable temperature for them, especially the 1700 gallon pond
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My wife's muzzleloader "meat deer" went into the freezer yesterday; rifle deer season coming up in two weeks! Bucks are now completely in hard horn, all velvet rubbed off; the rut is imminent. A small buck has created a rub practically in our yard, and I watched him working it late last night from the window of my den. He's too young and has no need to worry about me...but seeing him certainly gets the atavistic juices flowing...:)

The neighbors have been visiting us a lot lately

back yard

front yard

On Friday a 2-pointer strolled through the back yard. First time I saw him - usually it's mothers and their offspring
That 2-pointer needs to become two burgers right about now...
No way, they are safe here as are the fish in the river below our house. We eat plant based.

Former neighbor went down our trail and caught these


Visitors are safe at this pacu house, although some bad visitors have been caught and released away from our neighborhood (mean animals who terrorize our outside cat and make her life miserable)

Okay...a few days ago I posted this:

Well, it's here...

The weather-guys were spreading their doom-and-gloom warnings a few days ago, using terms like "snow event" and "accumulation" and generally trying to scare the crap out of everybody as usual. We got a half-inch of snow that was gone by mid-morning.

They tried the same crap yesterday morning...we got another fraction of an inch, gone by suppertime.

Today was scheduled to reach +2C, with a possibility of flurries...and we just got a dump of fresh big flakes. Two inches or so on the ground now, still snowing energetically. There's already too much for it all to melt; the White Season is upon us. The yard is full of winter birds, the warm-weather nesters having all departed for the sunny south. Trees are all bare; deer are all dressed in their drab grey winter pelage; wood is all split and stacked; a black bear made his last (hopefully!) visit of the year to the yard yesterday and messed up all my bird feeders; an early Snowy Owl that first appeared a few days ago and who has been as obvious as a cockroach on a wedding cake as he sits in the fallow now in his element and virtually invisible.

Merry Christmas! :)

And today, I see this posted by S sixog1634 :

The meteorologists were issuing ominous forecasts a few days ago, using terms like "snow event" and "accumulation," and as usual, attempting to cause widespread concern. However, we only received a meager half-inch of snow that had disappeared by mid-morning.

They repeated their predictions yesterday morning, but once again, we saw just a small amount of snow, which had melted by suppertime.

Today, the forecast called for a temperature of +2°C, with a chance of flurries. To our surprise, we've been hit with a sudden heavy snowfall, with about two inches already on the ground and still falling vigorously. There's now too much snow for it all to melt, signaling the arrival of the winter season. The yard is bustling with winter birds, as the warm-weather nesters have all headed south. The trees stand bare, and the deer have donned their dull gray winter coats. We've already split and stacked firewood, and a black bear made what we hope is his final visit of the year, creating a mess at our bird feeders. An early appearance of a Snowy Owl, which initially stood out like a sore thumb a few days ago in the wedding kake, has now blended into its wintry surroundings, becoming nearly invisible.

Am I alone in finding this a bit strange?

Was I just punked by an AI-bot? I like my version better! :)
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