How’s the weather?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
The highs for right now are in the upper 80s, and the lows are in the low 70s; then, when Halloween comes, there will be a dramatic drop in temperature for a few days. The highs will be in the upper 50s, and the lows in the 30s. Then, it will increase to the upper 70s for highs and lower 50s for lows.
Have had frost advisories the last couple of nights. Finally fired up the wood stove in the living room two days ago. We haven't fired up the big stove in the sunroom yet. Uhmmm somebody has some work to do. This load of firewood was dumped here many months ago.


In past years, I bought 10 cords of firewood and had it stacked behind the house. While it used to look like this in past winters, now there are only potted plants on our patio.
That ^ is magnificent! :)

Six inches of fresh snow on the ground here...a clear sky last night with a full moon...the night time view of the surrounding fields and woods is eerily stunning. Coyotes yipping...the lowing of cattle from a nearby field...the deep resonant hoot of an owl...the gray form of a deer moving silently across a moonlit field of white...

This morning our resident Jays, Chickadees and Woodpeckers were joined at the feeders by a newly-arrived flock of Redpolls, now returned from their summer haunts much further north. They and the other winter finches will hopefully be around till spring.

I envy those who keep their fish outside all year round and who worry about how to cool their tanks rather than how to heat them...but I would never want to give up the changing of the seasons. :)

My wife's muzzleloader "meat deer" went into the freezer yesterday; rifle deer season coming up in two weeks! Bucks are now completely in hard horn, all velvet rubbed off; the rut is imminent. A small buck has created a rub practically in our yard, and I watched him working it late last night from the window of my den. He's too young and has no need to worry about me...but seeing him certainly gets the atavistic juices flowing...:)
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the weather here in ksa has become pleasant for now. we will experience severe cold in the upcoming days with icy wind and storms

Lucky you...I want cold weather...we are about to get some, but it will only be temporary (like very temporary), then back to heat again *sigh*.
the weather here in ksa has become pleasant for now. we will experience severe cold in the upcoming days with icy wind and storms

Mmmm hmmm...okay, I'll bite: what sort of "severe cold" are we talking about here?

Disclaimer: I have the 🤣 and the 🙄 emojis chambered, locked and loaded...:)
Mmmm hmmm...okay, I'll bite: what sort of "severe cold" are we talking about here?

Disclaimer: I have the 🤣 and the 🙄 emojis chambered, locked and loaded...:)
i see you haven't lost your sense of humour
well here in ksa we get like extreme heat, like 45 to 50 degree celsius. so we are used to extreme heat almost the entire year and a little cold like 7 to 8 degree celssius forces us to stay in bed all day with three sweaters, two quilts, heater and a cup of hot coffee. so it is extreme for us but nothing for you guys
i see you haven't lost your sense of humour
well here in ksa we get like extreme heat, like 45 to 50 degree celsius. so we are used to extreme heat almost the entire year and a little cold like 7 to 8 degree celssius forces us to stay in bed all day with three sweaters, two quilts, heater and a cup of hot coffee. so it is extreme for us but nothing for you guys

More or less what I expected. But lets keep some perspective here...

I am laughing at your use of the term "severe" to describe those balmy 7C conditions...but on the other hand, hearing about temps like 50C literally astonishes me. 50C sounds like a temperature being created in a lab experiment, not something that is being experienced outdoors.

Many jobsites where I have worked will limit or discontinue work once temps reach 90F (32C) and certainly none will discourage workers who take frequent and lengthy cool-down breaks. I specifically recall one instance when I and two others were installing controls on a paint-drying booth in a car plant. The work was being done in a small area directly above the booth; we were closely monitored by safety personnel. We were not allowed to remain in that area for more than 10 minutes at a time, with at least 20 minutes cool-down required before our next 10-minute "shift". One person at a time was allowed into the hot zone, and it was required that another worker always be observing from outside...not working on anything else, but actively watching the "hot" worker continuously.

The temperature was a blistering 100F...about 38C. Okay, your turn to laugh. :)
50c is 122f and 7c is 44f. I’ve experienced some hot days down here in Georgia but I can’t recall a time it hit 110 so 122 is crazy. We’re a bit more adaptable to the cold so 44 is when I get out my big fluffy jacket. A few years ago it was in the teens and god, I had several jackets on and at one point I had two pairs of pants on. I even doubled up on socks. Y’all are built different ar, good luck with that heat.

Today is a lovely 75 with a high of 82 where I am, nice all around.