Oh, by the way...who on earth is Elma Fudd?
Don't be narrow-minded, Esox. The two things are not mutually exclusive; he can do both!
I think Elma is the long lost sister of the famed hunterIf animals weren't intended to be eaten...why are they made of meat?
Don't be narrow-minded, Esox. The two things are not mutually exclusive; he can do both!
Oh, by the way...who on earth is Elma Fudd?
This is Elmer Fudd, an old adversary of Bugs Bunny, though not a particularly threatening adversary, he's rather bumbling to be more precise, lol. Surely you've seen him. He has a bit of a speech impediment and refers to old Bugs as "that pesky wabbit".
I was wondering if "Elma" was perhaps his wife or sister...or if maybe he had decided to switch teams...
I use his catchphrase all the time
...whilst out hunting with your big gun, no doubt wearing a daft hat to boot, I suspect you look remarkably like him too, lol.
I don't deny rabbits are dangerous (occasionally), but I know how to tame them, and tame them well.
This is Elmer Fudd, an old adversary of Bugs Bunny, though not a particularly threatening adversary, he's rather bumbling to be more precise, lol. Surely you've seen him. He has a bit of a speech impediment and refers to old Bugs as "that pesky wabbit".