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How aggressive are red terror being south american cichlids?


MFK Member
Can I ask how your red terror compares to your more nasty central American cichlids like" jags/midas / black nasty and others"

only ask as south americans are not normally as bad as centrals"

would red terror and green terror work with peacock bass in south American setup?
Festae are not as commonly glass banging aggressive but can be extremely territorial and often times will not tolerate other fish. my female is like that, at 7 inches she kicked the sh** out of a 9" male dovii, she would not stop either. And this dovii had taken over many tanks before.
Festae are not as commonly glass banging aggressive but can be extremely territorial and often times will not tolerate other fish. my female is like that, at 7 inches she kicked the sh** out of a 9" male dovii, she would not stop either. And this dovii had taken over many tanks before.
Was your female like that" just because of her territory" or because had young? and was like thinking a 7ft by 2ft by 2ft with just few big bass 12-14 inch and few smaller terror (don't need pair) just 2 nice black bar females! and 1 or 2 nice male green terror"
So far my red terrors are pansies. They are more hit and run then anything else. But this is still at the juvenile 4inch stage. I've heard their aggression doesn't overly kick in till they hit around 6 or 7 inches. Obviously depending on the fish, also keep in mind when you say "nice black barred female. " That when there is no male around they aren't nearly as colorful. I'm sure some one can post a pic of a solitary female Festae, or look it up on these forums. I feel like in a 7ft tank it would work. But that's just my own opinion.
I have found festaes to be very timid towards other fish, unless they can dominate. If they can dominate, then they have confidence and can be aggressive. That said, I find them to be relentless going after each other, but aren't too bad w/ other fish. They are beautiful, but are not necessarily the best personality fish.
my female had no young had this time. I don't think they are too good with other fish IMO. Also, like @Covetous said, that look that you like of the female is breeding dress.
Agree with most of the comments here however the reference to not having good personalities I would take a bit of exception to that. Mine have been more free swimming than say a JD or many Parachromis species I've seen and the few I've kept at least as juvies. Probably most importantly would agree that, at least up to the size I'm keeping at the moment 7-8", they're not the stone cold killers some make them out to be. I have seen some target fixation here and there, but nothing too exceptional.
Agree with most of the comments here however the reference to not having good personalities I would take a bit of exception to that. Mine have been more free swimming than say a JD or many Parachromis species I've seen and the few I've kept at least as juvies. Probably most importantly would agree that, at least up to the size I'm keeping at the moment 7-8", they're not the stone cold killers some make them out to be. I have seen some target fixation here and there, but nothing too exceptional.
good info on the terror" would you say they would be less prone to be aggressive with other cichlids that are lot bigger than themselves!
good info on the terror" would you say they would be less prone to be aggressive with other cichlids that are lot bigger than themselves!
It's really hard to generalize as there are probably more environmental factors that are going to influence variable aggression than there are genetic. In terms of your specific question if you mean, are they overly aggressive to others when there is a much bigger boss in the tank. If I had to generalize, I'd say as juvies mine seem about average. Now probably the better question is how do they behave when there's a power vacuum, and I'd say they may be more prone than others to fill that vacuum from the cichlids I've kept.