How Long Has Your Equipment Lasted?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
fluval 404x3 =7 yrs
fluval 304X2 6yrs
walmart aquatechs 330 x6 all running 5yrs

these are the filters that need no replacements of anything yet like gaskets or o-rings.
rena 301 air pump 13 years old, noisy as hell but still goin strong! poweres my undergravel silver aro tank ^_____________^
How about Submersible Water Heaters?
What's the most long ones?
Share please!
eheim internal filter 2252 it been running non stop for 12yrs
my aquaclear 50 powerhead. its built like a frickin tank. been running 4 years non-stop. i only clean the impeller and assembly like once a year.
fantastic on whisper air pump.. i have 7 or 8 marineland air pumps that i use for back up and have had a couple i used on small tanks running for a couple years with no maintainance.....
Whisper 20-40 been running since 2000. Just stopped working over the weekend so I took out the impeller and cleaned it. Couldn't believe it when the thing started right back up. 8 years not bad for a cheap filter on my 20 gallon.

I have to put in another vote for the AquaClear Powerheads.

Back in the 70's, I had a salt tank that ran with ug and some AquaClear Powerheads, skimmer etc. I don't remember what model they were, but they were about the size of my fist, or just smaller. I have small hands, so I'm thinking a 50 (70?) or so. I got out of that phaze of fish addiction, got married, moved to WA, divorced came back home and found them still in a box in Father's workshop. They cooked out there in the AZ heat for a number of years and I used it off an on for one thing or another and still ran fine. Somewhere along the line I loaned one out and lost it, so one left. The heat started to get to the plastic and the little cone started to crack in the 90's. About that time, I used it in reverse to drain an 8,000 gal. above ground pool. It took time, but not a problem. Ran like a champ.

Coupld of years ago I got a fly up my nose and gave a bunch of fish stuff to Goodwill. It was in the box. Cone at the end was gone, but it still ran.
