Great Basin Benji

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 4, 2009
Reno, NV
Err;3457448; said:
Yah, I kept all my rifles (Springfield SOCOMII, AR-10 Rem 700) .308 and all my pistols are .45ACP....ammo is still hard to come by. Further more people should be scared when a dem takes office, they are always behind BS laws like the brady bill and implamenting "gun free zones" loads of good those did LMFAO! Despite the fact that the GOP is socially inept they have never banned types of ammor or guns based on what style grip they have or how many rounds they carry, dems have.
I really think that a bifurcation of the Dems and Repubs isn't necessary. I really DO believe that we're talking about two sides of the very same coin. The Repubs have their fair share of skeletons when it comes to firearms. They may not be as transparent, but does anyone remember Oliver North? : and he was a part of one of the most lionized Republican administrations that we've had in the last 100 years. This is but a fraction of the examples, so let's not fool ourselves here. The reason we have guns is to protect us from our very own government should it ever become a tyranny...

I guess I'm not as biased either because every one of my firearms fires Russian Military Surplus ammo, and it is all still DIRT CHEAP!!! Tokarev, Kalashnikov, Makarov, and Nagant.... there's a lot to be said for 7.62, (either 7.62 x 25, 7.62 x 39, or 7.62 x 54R) and don't forget the Russian poision bullets 5.45 x 39.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 5, 2009
Austin Texas
Great Basin Benji;3461583; said:
I really think that a bifurcation of the Dems and Repubs isn't necessary. I really DO believe that we're talking about two sides of the very same coin. The Repubs have their fair share of skeletons when it comes to firearms. They may not be as transparent, but does anyone remember Oliver North? : and he was a part of one of the most lionized Republican administrations that we've had in the last 100 years. This is but a fraction of the examples, so let's not fool ourselves here. The reason we have guns is to protect us from our very own government should it ever become a tyranny...

I guess I'm not as biased either because every one of my firearms fires Russian Military Surplus ammo, and it is all still DIRT CHEAP!!! Tokarev, Kalashnikov, Makarov, and Nagant.... there's a lot to be said for 7.62, (either 7.62 x 25, 7.62 x 39, or 7.62 x 54R) and don't forget the Russian poision bullets 5.45 x 39.
Oh I know the GOP has its skeletons, its just the dems are very outspoken and public about the gun control agenda, but given Mr. Obamas track record in IL it scared the piss out of everyone that he was going to try and do/promote the same things nation wide that he promoted in IL. Why wouldnt he, right? Im not out to point fingers and be a dem. hater, I 100% agree with you that they are all in bed with eachother and we are looking at 2 sides of the same coin, a bi partisan system that has failed us. Hmmm makes me wonder why the supreme court ruled that "independant" and "third" parties were "unconstitutional".....didnt like the Libertarian/Green party opposition hua? And I know there is plenty to be said for the russian 7.62, I took 5 rounds of it, 2 in the chest (blocked by plates) 2 in the shoulder 1 in the arm, stuff is brutal.

Great Basin Benji

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 4, 2009
Reno, NV
Err;3462745; said:
Oh I know the GOP has its skeletons, its just the dems are very outspoken and public about the gun control agenda, but given Mr. Obamas track record in IL it scared the piss out of everyone that he was going to try and do/promote the same things nation wide that he promoted in IL. Why wouldnt he, right? Im not out to point fingers and be a dem. hater, I 100% agree with you that they are all in bed with eachother and we are looking at 2 sides of the same coin, a bi partisan system that has failed us. Hmmm makes me wonder why the supreme court ruled that "independant" and "third" parties were "unconstitutional".....didnt like the Libertarian/Green party opposition hua? And I know there is plenty to be said for the russian 7.62, I took 5 rounds of it, 2 in the chest (blocked by plates) 2 in the shoulder 1 in the arm, stuff is brutal.
Sorry to hear about your misfortune... I hope that you can recover fully from that... I had a shoulder surgery from being struck by a car, and I thought that was bad. NO WAY, I'd take being hit by a car over a 7.62 round anyday. I can't even begin to imagine. Very glad to hear that you're still with us all, and still able to keep enjoying the keeping of your fish, as well as shooting.

As far as the politicians are concerned, It might still be a LONG time before we can actually see someone like Ron Paul, (Who I DID caucaus for here in NV), actually elected. It's sad to hear people say things like, " know, he has some really great points...", and in literally the same breath, "... BUT, he'll never get elected." WHY NOT? Well, at this point his age might be a limiting factor, but why CAN'T someone with revolutionary ideas, someone NOT associated with either "party" of babbling idiots, someone not bound by convention, be elected to take our country into its future.

Cleary this dude who spoke on behalf of "change" was just blowin smoke up our proverbial butts, and is no better a leader than the last left winger we had in that office. In fact it's probably arguable that every play in this new administration's playbook is right out of the pages of the Clintonian one. That doesn't sound like much of a "change". At least we're all in this together, so we still have a chance. A fraction of a percent of our country's population seems to be calling the shots right now, but there's still hope of a government "OF" the people, "FOR" the people, and "BY" the people, not one simply looking out for the longevity of multimillion dollar career politicians to retain their offices.

If not, we've always got our guns.....and pitchforks.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Aug 27, 2009
In the the pet store
i think its horrible that they r doing this! i think that if they do this its gonna close alot of businesses not only in the united states but businesses all over the world. the pet trade would tumble down. i also think that its also not fair of them doing this.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 11, 2009
Only recently aware of this law, I'm quite surprised the Goverment can possibly destroy something like that. But guys lets look at the big picture here. Keeping fish is a hobby, not a necessity of life. But on the other hand keeping our ecosystem balanced is a must. Our earth is held together from this balance. Think about it this way, chopping down a tree leaves insects homeless, which then leads to the starvation of birds and squrriels, which then leads to the death of predators such as hawks and eagles. Everything is interconnected in our earth. We must look at this through the eyes of inhabitant of earth and not a hobbyist. However this is in no way showing my support for this bill. I am highly opposed of it as I believe the government has much better options in dealing with this, they're just taking the short cut and ruining things.

But seriously guys our ecosystem is much more important then a fish in a tank. We keep fish for out entertainment and treat it as a hobby, they do not exist for us. We are thinking very selfishly here, the fish of our hobby will still exist but just in their environment and not our tanks. Besides whats this hobby if you can't drink and can't eat? Because if our ecosystem is ruined it will sooner or later lead back to us killing us.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Oct 23, 2009
FL;2767752; said:
At first I did not think fish would be affected, but some others have told me otherwise. I did not mention this until now because I wanted to be sure, and now I am.

The key is to find out what fishes will be on the "approved" list. I have also been told that some South American countries, such as Brazil, are pushing for this as well...that way there will be less of their natives exported here. I think Suriname is also on board, and for those that know....Suriname is very difficult to get fish out of. Herps yes, fish...very hard.
I have been reading and from what I've read, the only approved species would be goldfish... I want to go up to congress and scream "You know what, it's called freedom, and you would kill a part of the economy! A major part!" lol... Let's all get active about it...


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Oct 23, 2009
Kaze;3558721; said:
Only recently aware of this law, I'm quite surprised the Goverment can possibly destroy something like that. But guys lets look at the big picture here. Keeping fish is a hobby, not a necessity of life. But on the other hand keeping our ecosystem balanced is a must. Our earth is held together from this balance. Think about it this way, chopping down a tree leaves insects homeless, which then leads to the starvation of birds and squrriels, which then leads to the death of predators such as hawks and eagles. Everything is interconnected in our earth. We must look at this through the eyes of inhabitant of earth and not a hobbyist. However this is in no way showing my support for this bill. I am highly opposed of it as I believe the government has much better options in dealing with this, they're just taking the short cut and ruining things.

But seriously guys our ecosystem is much more important then a fish in a tank. We keep fish for out entertainment and treat it as a hobby, they do not exist for us. We are thinking very selfishly here, the fish of our hobby will still exist but just in their environment and not our tanks. Besides whats this hobby if you can't drink and can't eat? Because if our ecosystem is ruined it will sooner or later lead back to us killing us.
You are right to a certain point, but if you read this bill, the only things that would be able to be kept are goldfish... And you know what, it's not about my tanks or my fish here, the goverment is going way to big brother for me here, and its like that old saying, when they came for so and so, (Jews, or Germans, or rottwielers,) I said nothing, when they came for so and so, I said nothing, and then they came for me. If we keep letting them do this stuff what will they take away next?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 25, 2009
Woodinville, Wa`
Frogki;3562804; said:
You are right to a certain point, but if you read this bill, the only things that would be able to be kept are goldfish... And you know what, it's not about my tanks or my fish here, the goverment is going way to big brother for me here, and its like that old saying, when they came for so and so, (Jews, or Germans, or rottwielers,) I said nothing, when they came for so and so, I said nothing, and then they came for me. If we keep letting them do this stuff what will they take away next?
Unfortunately they will do there best to take away everything, even transfats are illegal in certine areas for God's sakes. The problem with our system of government is that we have 100 senators sitting on capitol hill who think they know how to live our lives better than we do. If they get there way the entire world will be nerfed, and we will start refering to each other by our SSN's so people don't get offended by people with cooler names or something stupid. Its all about control, they call the shots, and we are virtually powerless. Sure we can complain, protest, petition, and we all should till our dying breath, but they don't have to listin. Look at the healthcare issue, they will just push something through, forgive me for not knowing who said it, but there was a senator that made the direct statement that they need to pass the bill because the american people dosn't know what is good for them. Same thing applies to hr66(6)9, the funny thing is most of the species i have seen them list were not transported by aquariam keepers, but by ship balast tanks and even the goverment (they do this with insects, plants, and animal, for pest control. They just need to start slapping offenders with stiff penalties and get off our f'ing backs for once and realize we don't want to have them watching everymove we make to make sure nothing bad ever happens, because then what fun would life be?



MFK Member
Mar 1, 2009
Metro Atlanta
Not only that, but there are some species that are no longer anywhere but aquariums. What would happen to them? People would either be breaking the law to breed them or by the time provisions were made for them the breeding stock would either be too old or dead.

MFK Member
Dec 11, 2007
I have to comment that it is not just a hobby even though I'm a hobbyist by blood BUT it is my lively hood that pays for the roof over my head & feeds the family plus the Pet industry is over 60 billion a year here in the US or more? So it would have a ripple affect across the board. But this bill did not & I think will not pass in the near future because of this? I did just read one of my Trade mags & PIJAC stated that the writer(s) of the bill will most likely rewrite another one. So they will not give up nor should we. Like many things(laws) they need to enforce the current ones & educate so everyone is informed who,what, where, when & why?
Also the wholesalers, exporters need to limit the sale of certain fishes as in pacu, red tail cats, pythons etc. Either with the understanding that the retailer sell only to individuals that know what they are getting into & what the animal needs form the start to the end (being full grown).
I was a Animal Control officer & had to deal with dumped Piranha, camen, iguanas dumped in the ponds or park system. The sad part is these animals will suffer & die once our cold hits here in the north.
People with the means need to have more exotic rescues in each state to help curb the dumping of them in our own back yard where they do not belong.