There are a few well known hobby fish on a new list requiring permits to be brought in to Canada soon. I don't know if Canadians are aware of this new legislation
angula angula eel
walking catfish
dwarf gourami
zebra danio
glass knife fish
blue catfish
channel catfish
chinese emperor
golden orfe
nile tilapia
giant gourami (goramy)
marble goby
rosy barb
nile perch
spotted scat
archer fish
blue (3 spot) gouramie
snakeskin gouramie
also I noticed the wels catfish which I have studied for many years but never purchased because of my wallago leeri which would never allow it to live in my big tank.
If these fish require permits to bring in their prices will skyrocket. Also there is the chance that permits will be denied.
I really don't know why these restrictions are coming. I don't know of anyone dying from being infected by his guppy. Though I have met a few people I now realize suffer from mad guppy disease.