Is owning your own Fish store your dream?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
May 6, 2005
Missouri City, TX
Ok besides neo and other MFK Administrators who else deals with fishes/monsterfishes for a living? do we have any fish store owners in here? If so can you tell me how did you got started, d benefits of owning one and the down sides of it? the reason why I ask its cuz I always wanted to open a fish store in my country. I lived in Angola, Africa and in my country we have the Kwanza river which is the biggest river in the country. There, me and my friends used to catch species such as Jewl cichlids, mollies, platy, and guppies for fun. However I'm not sure if I should continue with this dream, so I would appreciate some feed back from Fish store owners.


Running From The Hammer...
MFK Member
Jul 6, 2005
I've always wanted to start my own LFS...for sure!! I even have plans on focusin on SA I'm gonna be takin a few business classes...and have been tryin to get some jobs workin at LFS and stuff like that. Basically get out there and experience it as much as possible so you can learn how it goes. It is stressful though, and it can be hard to make some money. A lotta people seem to get burnt out. My biggest concern would be the possibility of loosing interest in the hobby. You know...your around it so much, having to put so much time and effort into it, that you get burnt out and want nothing to have to do with it. That would suck, cuz I love keepin fish...its my life practically.


Stingray King
MFK Member
Jul 2, 2005
Spokane, WA
You gotta start small, and think big ;)

It's not nearly as glorified as you think, and it's true you can get burnt out on it.. When I was working at PetSmart and Importing fish at the same time, I HATED to do maintenance on my home tanks.. Now that I don't do that anymore, and haven't had an in-home tank for nearly 6 months, I am excited to get one going again ;) If it wasn't for places like MFK to have people to talk with and share experiences with, the hobby wouldn't be as fun for me anymore.

Long hours, low wages.. but atleast your the boss and can do a job you enjoy. Our goal is to become a reputable Importer/Wholesaler of exotic fish, and to use that basis to finance opening/remodeling a retail location. Retail is by far the most expensive!

I have no idea the viability of opening a LFS somewhere that has beautiful native fish.. The only reason Aquarium trade has become such a huge industry in the states is because all of the north american fish are brown and ugly.

All I know, is there is not a single quality petstore within 500 Miles of my location, and I really want to open one!


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 28, 2004
Moscow, Idaho
Miles said:
All I know, is there is not a single quality petstore within 500 Miles of my location, and I really want to open one!
haha, now thats not entirely true there are some decent ones on the westside :woot:


Captain Planet
MFK Member
Feb 14, 2005
I was an aquaculture major in college and my gf is a buisness major. My goal is to have a fish farm some day and breed CA/SA cichlids and catfish for the aquaria trade. As for experiance, I spent a year of my time at college working at a tilapia/trout hatchery. I would love to get an aquaculture job but there are few fish farms around here. Funny considering I like in the friggin Finger Lakes area of NY.


Stingray King
MFK Member
Jul 2, 2005
Spokane, WA
Thomas_Hung said:
haha, now thats not entirely true there are some decent ones on the westside :woot:
Yeah, all the good ones are 501 miles away.. I was trying to exclude Seattle ;)


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 12, 2005
I talked to a suppiler that said a well finaced group was moving across the US buying up the fish wholesalers.He is worried that they won't be able to compete with them.

Also pet suplies plus is going to start selling fish. What does this mean to the local mom and pop? doesn't sound good.

I have my own bussiness and the freedom is great but the overhead will kill you. If you want to open a shop you definately need to work at one and see what it's all about.

Love of a job won't pay the bills. If you have a wife that works it will help.

I'm starting to set up and service tanks ( only have one up and they don't pay for it ) I have spent a lot of time and money working on learning about wet/dry systems, breeding pairs , filters, automatic water changers, and getting to know the people at the local dist.

I would make more money doing my "real" job but it's somehting I want to do.

Don't be scared off but go into it with your eyes open.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 28, 2004
Moscow, Idaho
Miles said:
Yeah, all the good ones are 501 miles away.. I was trying to exclude Seattle ;)

I used to work at Bridges Pets Gifts and Watergardens in Lake Stevens... that place is wild! Its like a damn gift shop with pets in it...


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 23, 2005
pullman washington
Thomas_Hung said:
I used to work at Bridges Pets Gifts and Watergardens in Lake Stevens... that place is wild! Its like a damn gift shop with pets in it...
yeah thomas I got soooo damn confused when I went in there and it looked like a hallmark store with guinea pigs in the front and I almost walked out until we noticed rodents on the far wall... But back to business I definately plan on opening up a pet store and have worked with Barnacle Bill a genius when it comes to fish and business and I am learning a lot. The one thing that I have found out is it can be hard to stick to your morals. Most of us own larger and more rare fish because we are bored with the small and usual. But on the other hand I would consider most of us the elite in fishkeeping. But for the most part you will sell a lot of guppies and white clouds (and not as feeders keep in mind) into ten gallon tanks. Chances are that you are not going to have the luxury of being so profitable that if you feel that a fish is not going to do good in the hands of a certain individual that you will not be able to sell to them. You will also find yourself selling out in order to stay afloat most likely depending on where you place your store because many people look at a 37 to 55 gallon tank as ungodly huge so keep this in mind as just a couple of the things that I have learned over the past couple of years and also talk to miles and find out how he got started because he has a nice lil place that I would not equate to a pet store but definetely a good start!!!