Is your tank overstocked, are you setting up a tank, check this out everybody!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
haxjester;3784370; said:

Here's the pic from the site. I substituted a Lima Shovelnose Catfish for my Tigrinus Catfish.

I'm running a 50g wet-dry/sump, and a 30gpd drip system. I test bi-weekly and my parameters are perfect. Granted, these are all babies or juveniles, and this is a growout tank for them.


Aha it was a grow out tank - didn't realize that. :D
Kudos for this endeavor!! Many setups will violate a number of things. (I have 8) but a decent way of looking at a tank.
Burbotman;3784762; said:
Kudos for this endeavor!! Many setups will violate a number of things. (I have 8) but a decent way of looking at a tank.

Thanks. Don't forget to let me know if you notice any warnings that are not applicable. I'd like this tool to become more than decent. :D
What's new for 2010 01 14 build:

- Added Threadfin RainbowFish
- Added Teacup Stingray as an alias to Motoro Stingray.
- Added Wolf Fish (Hoplias malabaricus).
- Added Sturgeon Catfish (Platystomatichthys sturio).
- Added European/European Wels Catfish (Silurus glanis).
- Added Frogmouth Catfish (Chaca chaca).
- Added Widebar/Siamese Tiger Datnoid (Datnioides pulcher).
- Added Finescale Tigerfish (Datnioides microlepis).
- Added Siamese Tigerfish (Datnioides polota).
- Added New Guinea Tigerfish (Datnioides campbelli).
- Added Featherfin Rainbowfish as an alias to Threadfin RainbowFish (Iriatherina werneri).
- Added Tigrinus Catfish/Dourada Zebra (Brachyplatystoma tigrinum).
- Added Loricaria cataphracta L062.
- Added Loricaria lentiginosa.
- Added Loricaria lundbergi.
- Added Loricaria parnahybae.
- Added Loricaria prolixa.
- Added Loricaria pumila.
- Added Marbled Whiptail (Loricaria simillima).
- Added Loricaria spinulifera.
- Added Loricaria sp. Rio Atabapo.
- Added Ruby/Black Ruby Barb (Puntius nigrofasciatus).
- Added Ornate/Flase Rosy/Bentos Tetra (Hyphessobrycon bentosi).
- Increased bioload for Clown Loach. Also increased minimum number to 5.
- Mouth size of Emerald/Cholocate Cichlid has been reduced to 2 inches.
- All hatchets, African Butterfly Fish and Bettas are marked as jumpers - appropriate notes will be displayed.
- Bioload for Chocolate Cichlid has been lowered.
- Temperature requirement for Puntius semifasciolatus has been expanded/raised slightly.
- Size of Yoyo Loach has been increased to 6 inches. Also added a note that it can reach up to 10 inches on rare occasions.
- Skunk Loach has been marked as a fin nipper.
- Size of Odessa Barb has been reduced to 2 inches. Tank requirement has also been reduced to 24x12.
- Changed the message when stocking level exceeds 160% to something a bit more prominent.
- Black Pacu has been adjusted to 30 inches.
- Red Bellied Pacu has been adjusted to 30 inches.
- Minimum number for Black and Red Bellied Pacu have been brought down to 1 but added a note saying they still prefer to be in groups when they are juveniles.
- Bioloads for Black and Red Bellied Pacu have been increased.
- Adjusted pH for Oscar to 6.4 - 7.5.
- Adjusted pH for Jewel Cichlid to 6.4 - 7.5.
- Adjusted pH for Common Pleco to 6 - 7.5.
- Increased water change requirement for Common Pleco.
- Increased bioload of Jewel Cichlid slightly.
- New feature: Now it is possible to combine species that will shoal together. As a starter, Zebra Danio and similar (or same) species have been combined. It will no longer produce warnings if combined number exceeds minimum number.
- Stripped Loach and other aliases of this species have been combined for minimum shoaling species calculation.
- Same modifications have been made for Banana Loach, madagascar Rainbowfish, Mosquito Rasbora, Polkadotted Loach, Marbled hatchet, Bronze Cory, Dainty Cory, Dwarf Cory, Green Chromide, Gardneri Killfish, Hatchet, Black Skirt Tetra, Flame Tetra, Rosy Tetra, Threadfin RainbowFish, American Flagfish, Striped Glass Catfish, Red Zebra, Dwarf Rainbowfish, Dojo Loach, Holden Pencilfish, Black Kuhli, Pitbull Pleco, Leopardfish, Ballon Molly, Molly, Pristella Tetra, Bumble Bee Cichlid, Denisoni Barb, Checkered Barb, Synodontis Eupterus, Domini Syno and Swift Rasbora.
- Removed the possibility of Molly and Platy cross breeding.
- African Leaf Fish has been marked more peaceful.
- African Dwarf Frogs and African Clawed Frogs are marked incompatible due to ACFs being chytrid carriers.
- Added notes for African Dwarf Frog.
- Added notes for African Claw Frog.
- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 601.

To access the application, please click on AqAdvisor site.

Now that the application can handle minimum shoaling number for similar (but not necessarily the same scientific names) species, please forward any similar species that will actually shoal together. There are probably quite a few different corydoras species that will shoal in this manner.
What's new for 2010 01 17 build:

- Added Red Empress (Protomelas Taeniolatus).
- Marked Neon and Cardinal Tetras as common shoalers.
- Marked Black Kuhli and regular Kuhli as common shoalers.
- Marked South American Puffer as a shoaling species with minimum number of 3.
- Added a note (mostly tips) for South American Puffer.
- Increase the size of Synodontis eupterus to 8.7 inches and changed scientific name to Synodontis euptera. Removed from African Drift Lake compatible group and minimum number has been set to 1. pH has been adjusted to 5.6 - 7.5.
- Peppered Cory and Panda Cory are marked as common schoolers.
- Added more notes for African Dwarf Frog.
- Added more notes for African Calw Frog.
- Increased bioload for African Dwarf Frog.
- Increased bioload for African Claw Frog.
- African Claw Frog has been marked to recommend species only tank.
- Updated Polkadotted Loach to Polka Dot Loach.
- Added Pakistani Loach as an alias for Botia almorhae.
- Updated scientific name of Tiger Loach to Syncrossus hymenophysa.
- Updated scientific name of Skunk Botia to Yasuhikotakia morleti.
- Updated scientific name of Longfin Zebra Danio to Danio rerio.
- Updated common name of Melanotaenia fluviatilis to ray River Rainbowfish.
- Added Lake Kutubu Rainbowfish as an alias to Turquoise Rainbowfish.
- Updated scientific name of Eastern Rainbowfish to Melanotaenia splendida.
- Added Tetra Whisper 3i filter.
- Added Jungle Junior/Senior Dirt Magnet series filters.
- Added Zoomed 501 Turtle Filter.
- Added Tom Aquatics Rapids Mini Canister C-80.
- Total number of filters in DB has been increased to 219.
- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 628.

To access the application, please click on AqAdvisor site.

Requestor: I could not find Lustar Hydro Sponge H0 specification on the net. Please let me know if you can find a site that either sells or lists this filter.
That's SICK!!
"Warning: Leopard Gourami requires a tank with more height.
Note: Clown Pleco needs driftwood.

Recommended temperature range: 23 - 25 C. [SIZE=-1][Display in Farenheit][/SIZE]
Recommended pH range: 6 - 7.5.
Recommended hardness range: 5 - 12 dH.

You have plenty of aquarium filtration capacity.

Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is 220%.[SIZE=-1] [What's this?][/SIZE]
Recommended water change schedule: 26% per week.
Your aquarium stocking level is 79%. </B>[SIZE=-1][Generate Image][/SIZE][SIZE=-1] [What's this?][/SIZE] "

Although I think the Ctenopoma will be fine ;)
Haha. This is what you get with a Gator Gar in a 10 with an FX5...if the FX5 wasn't bigger than the tank :ROFL:
Warning: Alligator Gar is not recommended for your tank - it may eventually outgrow your tank space, potentially reaching up to 60 inches.
Warning: Alligator Gar requires a tank with more height.

Recommended temperature range: 68 - 78.8 F. [SIZE=-1][Display in Celsius][/SIZE]
Recommended pH range: 6 - 8.
Recommended hardness range: 1 - 15 dH.

Warning: You should add more aquarium filtration capacity.

Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is 79%.[SIZE=-1] [What's this?][/SIZE]
Your tank is too small - it will require massive amount of frequent water changes!

Your aquarium stocking level is 1286%. </B>[SIZE=-1][Generate Image][/SIZE][SIZE=-1] [What's this?][/SIZE]
Your tank is seriously overstocked. Unless this setup is temporary, you should consider a larger tank.
Bottomfeeder;3796474; said:
Haha. This is what you get with a Gator Gar in a 10 with an FX5...if the FX5 wasn't bigger than the tank :ROFL:
Warning: Alligator Gar is not recommended for your tank - it may eventually outgrow your tank space, potentially reaching up to 60 inches.
Warning: Alligator Gar requires a tank with more height.

Recommended temperature range: 68 - 78.8 F. [SIZE=-1][Display in Celsius][/SIZE]
Recommended pH range: 6 - 8.
Recommended hardness range: 1 - 15 dH.

Warning: You should add more aquarium filtration capacity.

Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is 79%.[SIZE=-1] [What's this?][/SIZE]
Your tank is too small - it will require massive amount of frequent water changes!

Your aquarium stocking level is 1286%. </B>[SIZE=-1][Generate Image][/SIZE][SIZE=-1] [What's this?][/SIZE]
Your tank is seriously overstocked. Unless this setup is temporary, you should consider a larger tank.

I hope the body of that Gar is really flexible... :D
Genius. I'm guessing it's assumed maximum size for all the fish i listed to go in the 1000gal which ended up with it only being suitable for tsn, common pleco, and adonis pleco, and silver aro despite none of the fish being anywhere near their potential sizes yet. 1130% stocked, weekly w/c of 75% and just 62% filtration! I'm not sure if substituting for closest match fish helped! Good job i can eventually build bigger.

Probably would work better on smaller fish and setups than my warped and twisted mind.
Satan's Goldfish;3796518; said:
Genius. I'm guessing it's assumed maximum size for all the fish i listed to go in the 1000gal which ended up with it only being suitable for tsn, common pleco, and adonis pleco, and silver aro despite none of the fish being anywhere near their potential sizes yet. 1130% stocked, weekly w/c of 75% and just 62% filtration! I'm not sure if substituting for closest match fish helped! Good job i can eventually build bigger.

Yes it only works on full sized fishes at the moment. I have received many requests to support juvenile sized species as well and I am thinking about it. It will not be simple to do this plus it will probably require lots of trial and error work.

Which species am I missing?

Probably would work better on smaller fish and setups than my warped and twisted mind.

I am trying to get it to work well for larger species as well. I mainly focused on tuning larger species during the past month or so - I think it is getting there. For smaller species, I have not heard any complaints for a while now.