Is your tank overstocked, are you setting up a tank, check this out everybody!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Kanta;3964712; said:
I know I am overstocked but my fish are happy, it is a standard 55g, 1 ebjd, 2 red severums (mating pair) 4 clown loaches, 1 sailfin pleco (i want to sell) 1 peacock eel

I'm a bit worried for those clowns when they grow up but I'm sure you are aware of it already. :D
BigSchallz70;3964949; said:
ok because i cant copy past here it is

my tank 30g

36 (L) x 12 (D) x 16 (H)

8 guppies
10 cardinal tetras
6 black neon tetras
5 otos
4 silver hatchet
2 dutch ram
(this is the stock i had before things started dieing off se other threads)

said my stock is 105%
filtration is 91%
water change 39% per week

im hoping i can break that up into two smaller changes lol and it said i need a min of 5 hatchet fish is this true??

also im still confused how a 280 filter is not enough for this tank should i add my 150 on also and turn down my airation or should i get somthing smaller my concern is i was told guppies do not like too much movement?

thanks for your site tho i wish i would have found this before i set up my tank i would have known that my 150 was not even close to what i needed thats probably why it failed lol

Looks like quite a busy tank. I tend to suggest 5 for most shoaling species. Others may say 4 or 6. If 4 works for you now, you are probably ok but most will tell you, more the better. :D

Glad to hear that you are enjoying this tool and the hobby. :)
killdog102;3966121; said:
Lol I know this is pathetic but please don't laugh seriously imao.

Warning: Spotted Gar is not recommended for your tank - it may eventually outgrow your tank space, potentially reaching up to 24 inches.
Note: Red Bellied Pacu likes to shoal in a group when they are juveniles.
Warning: Red Bellied Pacu is not recommended for your tank - it may eventually outgrow your tank space, potentially reaching up to 30 inches.
Note: Common Pleco needs driftwood.
Warning: Common Pleco is not recommended for your tank - it may eventually outgrow your tank space, potentially reaching up to 18 inches.
Warning: Clown Knife is not recommended for your tank - it may eventually outgrow your tank space, potentially reaching up to 36 inches.
Warning: Hujeta Gar is not recommended for your tank - it may eventually outgrow your tank space, potentially reaching up to 10 inches.
Warning: Your selected species may eventually require 1324% of your aquarium space. You may need to deal with territorial aggressions later on. Try removing some of (Piaractus brachypomus, Pterygoplichthys pardalis, Notopterus chilata, Rocio octofasciatum) or get a larger aquarium tank.

Recommended temperature range: 23 - 25 C. [Display in Farenheit]
Recommended pH range: 6.5 - 6.8.
Recommended hardness range: 5 - 15 dH.

Warning: You NEED to add more aquarium filtration capacity!!!

Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is 12%.
Your tank is too small - it will require massive amount of frequent water changes each week!

Your aquarium stocking level is 442%. [Generate Image]
Your tank is seriously overstocked. Unless this setup is temporary, you should consider a larger tank.

What is the size of your tank? :eek:
The only question I have is it states I need more filtration capacity but I know guppies don't like a lot of movement so I'm confused of what I should do there
Im not sure this aqua-calculator is very acurate ......

I got
1-RTG 6 inches
1-super red 3 inches

I taged them as juvenile in a 150g tank
with a a marineland C-530 which is a pretty big can filter and i get this ....

Warning: You NEED to add more aquarium filtration capacity!!!

Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is 30%.
Your tank is too small - it will require massive amount of frequent water changes each week!

Your aquarium stocking level is 196%. [Generate Image]
Your tank is seriously overstocked. Unless this setup is temporary, you should consider a larger tank. .........

Seriously ??????? the only thing i feel is acurate is that this is a temporary set up :)
This is My tank now with young fish. I put in the size they are now not adult size I like that option good idea. I think thats great you can put in how big your fish are it makes it work better.

Warning: Emperor Tetra may become food for Electric Blue Jack Dempsey.
Warning: Pictus Catfish is too aggressive to co-exist with Emperor Tetra.
Warning: Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is too aggressive to co-exist with Emperor Tetra.

Recommended temperature range: 24 - 26 C. [SIZE=-1][Display in Farenheit][/SIZE]
Recommended pH range: 6 - 7.5.
Recommended hardness range: 5 - 15 dH.

You have plenty of aquarium filtration capacity.

Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is 351%.
Recommended water change schedule: 11% per week.
Your aquarium stocking level is 49%.<FONT size=-1>

Only thing is I do not think of pictus cats as aggressive. They just really like to eat and will eat small fish.
wilkinson;3968414; said:
Im not sure this aqua-calculator is very acurate ......

I got
1-RTG 6 inches
1-super red 3 inches

I taged them as juvenile in a 150g tank
with a a marineland C-530 which is a pretty big can filter and i get this ....

Warning: You NEED to add more aquarium filtration capacity!!!

Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is 30%.
Your tank is too small - it will require massive amount of frequent water changes each week!

Your aquarium stocking level is 196%. [Generate Image]
Your tank is seriously overstocked. Unless this setup is temporary, you should consider a larger tank. .........

Seriously ??????? the only thing i feel is acurate is that this is a temporary set up :)

Someone else with more experience in these species will need to comment on this as I don't have experience on these guys... Anyone?
Snowflake311;3968640; said:
This is My tank now with young fish. I put in the size they are now not adult size I like that option good idea. I think thats great you can put in how big your fish are it makes it work better.

Warning: Emperor Tetra may become food for Electric Blue Jack Dempsey.
Warning: Pictus Catfish is too aggressive to co-exist with Emperor Tetra.
Warning: Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is too aggressive to co-exist with Emperor Tetra.

Recommended temperature range: 24 - 26 C. [SIZE=-1][Display in Farenheit][/SIZE]
Recommended pH range: 6 - 7.5.
Recommended hardness range: 5 - 15 dH.

You have plenty of aquarium filtration capacity.

Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is 351%.
Recommended water change schedule: 11% per week.
Your aquarium stocking level is 49%.<FONT size=-1>

Only thing is I do not think of pictus cats as aggressive. They just really like to eat and will eat small fish.

I'll look into pictus entry. Perhaps the aggression is set too high.
