impjd;3957464; said:
I agree in general with the assessment.
I love your site! You have done a great job so far and this is a very difficult task, especially with compatibility suggestions. What a great resource for the novice fishkeeper!

I applaud the warnings, especially the final adult size issues, but perhaps that would be more practical and useful if you could add a likely time frame for the fish at issue to outgrow the tank.
I think that this should be available in every LFS for the novice, but I doubt that any but the most responsible store owners would use it. Most would avoid it like the plague---they thrive on selling fish to novices that then die or kill their tankmates causing the novice to return for more fish! Not very smart, as the successful novice rpaidly becomes an experienced fishkeeper, and then often becomes addicted to 'more' like many of us on this forum---more tanks, more fish, mo bigger, mo better!
Ouch yeah that is sad...