Is your tank overstocked, are you setting up a tank, check this out everybody!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
impjd;3957464; said:

I agree in general with the assessment.

I love your site! You have done a great job so far and this is a very difficult task, especially with compatibility suggestions. What a great resource for the novice fishkeeper!

Thanks. :D

I applaud the warnings, especially the final adult size issues, but perhaps that would be more practical and useful if you could add a likely time frame for the fish at issue to outgrow the tank.

I think that this should be available in every LFS for the novice, but I doubt that any but the most responsible store owners would use it. Most would avoid it like the plague---they thrive on selling fish to novices that then die or kill their tankmates causing the novice to return for more fish! Not very smart, as the successful novice rpaidly becomes an experienced fishkeeper, and then often becomes addicted to 'more' like many of us on this forum---more tanks, more fish, mo bigger, mo better!

Ouch yeah that is sad...
Said I was over stocked like a mofo for my 55g, bah humbug to that
yhbae01;3886969; said:
drgnfrc13;3886902; said:
Now it's saying that my tire track eel will outgrow my tank, when a TT eel can easily live in a tank that is less than half the size of mine. Also, it says I have 4x the recommended stock for my tank and the only fish I have that will actually outgrow my tank is my pacu. :screwy:

What exactly do you have and the tank dimension?

220g tank 72x24x30, stock is in my "my tank stock". IMO, the only thing overstocked about my tank is that I have a pacu in it, but I don't think that should raise my stock level to 4x the limit.

btw, sorry for the extremely delayed response, I haven't looked at this thread in a while.
yhbae01;3958533; said:
What's a humbug?
A humbug is a crustacean-like creature that you put in your tank to kill all your fish when you get bored of them and want to restock the tank...

jk, it's just a saying. :grinno:
drgnfrc13;3958552; said:
220g tank 72x24x30, stock is in my "my tank stock". IMO, the only thing overstocked about my tank is that I have a pacu in it, but I don't think that should raise my stock level to 4x the limit.

btw, sorry for the extremely delayed response, I haven't looked at this thread in a while.

Better late than never I guess... :D

I'll look into this. Thanks!
Kanta;3958520; said:
Said I was over stocked like a mofo for my 55g, bah humbug to that

Ok, so based on my new knowledge on humbug, I guess you are not agreeing with what AqAdvisor is reporting... :D

Can you please post what you have in your tank? Is that a standard 55g tank?
Perhaps there's a room for improvement here.

BigSchallz70;3961749; said:
why will the link from the first page not work i can pick tank filter and one of my fish but when i try to update the others if freezes?

That can't be right. So far I have not received any bug reports on the current build.

What browser/OS do you use?
i tried on a differnt comp and it went through but now i cant post my results lol

i did not se a sunset coral platy and a micky mouse platy

i do not know if these are the same as another fish that i could use

also i had a hard time finding ram's maybe that is my fault as i do not know the scientific name i did se some in there but was un sure if thats what i have i do agree with the stocking % i got but i thought that i would be a lill more filterd as i have an emperor 280 on a 30g tank it said i was only at 110%

now im new to this so maybe im wrong but i do like the site once i could get it to work and look forward to updates so i can se exactly how my tank is