BigSchallz70;3963890; said:i tried on a differnt comp and it went through but now i cant post my results lol
i did not se a sunset coral platy and a micky mouse platy
i do not know if these are the same as another fish that i could use
also i had a hard time finding ram's maybe that is my fault as i do not know the scientific name i did se some in there but was un sure if thats what i have i do agree with the stocking % i got but i thought that i would be a lill more filterd as i have an emperor 280 on a 30g tank it said i was only at 110%
now im new to this so maybe im wrong but i do like the site once i could get it to work and look forward to updates so i can se exactly how my tank is
For platies, you can use the regular "platy" - those are really the same, attribute wise.
You can look for rams by using search function. Try the word "ram" and it will narrow your list down to only those species with their names that contain "ram". It's pretty useful.

I can't comment on your stocking since I don't see the whole picture. Perhaps when you get it working on your PC, you can post your results here. It is common for manufacturers to over-quote filtration capacities. If you have a short (height-wise) tank, don't be surprised if the filter capacity % comes out way lower than what you were expecting.
Good luck.