Is your tank overstocked, are you setting up a tank, check this out everybody!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
seds;3731869; said:
both my 35 and 70 are ridiculously overstocked... but apparently I need more white clouds than I thought in my ten gallon...

Allegedly 13 odessa barbs in 35 gal is too many. I kind of agree...

Good... :D

If you have a setup, and if you feel AqAdvisor doesn't report the right numbers, please post here. I'd like to look into it.

yhbae01;3731981; said:
The reason it reported that Midas would outgrow that tank is because I read that it would be too big for 4ft tank. I didn't know 5ft tank exists! So currently, it is set as 6ft as a minimum requirement.

If Midas is ok for 5ft tank, I'd gladly update DB for you. Can anyone else confirm this?

Also, Plecos are notoriously dirty and they become large, so I am not surprised if it makes a significant difference overall.
Actually, a midas can live in a 4ft tank as long as it has a sufficient amout of room to turn around (18"+) IMO.
drgnfrc13;3732013; said:
Actually, a midas can live in a 4ft tank as long as it has a sufficient amout of room to turn around (18"+) IMO.

I just looked up more sites and they do suggest that 48x18 tank is enough. I'll adjust it for the next release.

Awesome page, but you need dats! and the different species as well.

Not including my 2 dats, my stocking level is 128% :D
But my filtration is 187%
yhbae01;3728578; said:
The only ones I have there are Hydro-sponge models. Do you have other ones in mind? If you could provide manufacturer URL, I could add those.

I was thinking you could also add Azoo sponge filters, and honestly I didn't even see the hydro-sponge models or I wouldn't have said anything :D

Looks like that species is in the DB already, but spelled "Tyre Rack Eel". Is this a misspell? If you could provide the exact names for other spiney ones, that would help me a lot.

Definetly a misspell. It should be TireTrack Eel.
Heres a list of other spiney eels that need added.
-Macrognathus siamensis ------The Peacock Eel
-Mastacembelus erythrotaenia -The Fire Eel (Pretty sure its already in DB)
-Mastacembelus zebrinus -------The Zebra Spiny Eel

Yeah I figured this would come out when my site gets exposed to this forum. LOL. :D

Will definitely look into them.

HEHE Its a must with this forum!

Will look into those as well.

Thanks, Heres a list of them thats pretty dang long. I would focus on the bolded ones the most as they are the main vieja's I'm talking about.

Vieja argentea
Vieja bifasciata
Vieja breidohri
Vieja fenestrata
Vieja godmanni
Vieja guttulata
Vieja hartwegi
Vieja heterospila
Vieja intermedia
Vieja maculicauda
Vieja melanurus
Vieja microphthalmus
Vieja regani
Vieja synspila
Vieja tuyrensis
Vieja zonata

I do have a link to an article that talks about not messing with tap water pH and what needs to be done if you must change pH. I do admit it is targeted for beginners.
I understand, I was more thinking of cichilds in general which will thrive better at 7.5-8.2 instead of the nuetral 7.0 that comes from your tap. If you need a really simple article to add to your page let me know through a pm and I'll send it.

Overall you have a great site, and I wanna say thanks and good job. I'm going to really promote this to the beginners I know now, specially working at a pet store.
yhbae01;3728496; said:
Hi guys,

I am the creator of I'd like to fix all issues reported by everyone and they are all fixable. I do admit it has not gone through thorough feedback process for larger species and I can see most of you are interested in larger ones which is great! After some rounds of fixing, I am pretty sure it will report more accurate results. The app has been built with this kind of extension in mind.

I'll respond to the relevant messages shortly. :)

first of all- give us sizes options of the fish we got in our tank
I have fish that are way over the standard length of their specimens due to the fact that some of them are quite old especially a catfish that wont stop growing

second of all give us more in filterations as some of us have multiple filters going on in our tanks- merely 2 is a joke for some of us.
some of us are growing out some fish etc....

third of all- when I got the result of 3 different plecos and I got a warning of 23-25 c, all 3 same showing and yet I got a warning that they're not compatiable if they have all same results BTW they're warmer temp ranged fish than 23-25c to start with. As L270 is an hypans not a panaque so it does not need driftwood. and its gonna die in a 23 C water parameter as thats how I killed off my shipment when they first came out that was the info on the web but now that I learned its more warmer temp pleco its happier in a warmer temp and 25 is just the threshold.

I thought it would have been fun to play around but with the inability to plug in our own fish's true size its kinda not fun to see what would happen if we jammed the fish tank with our raised fry etc etc etc

some of us actually do not use filter but use sump and air driven sponge. Don't know if that is also on the list as didn't look for that as well.
I need more filtration... 'Course, I already knew that... but....


Note: Common Pleco needs driftwood.
Warning: Common Pleco is not recommended for your tank - it may eventually outgrow your tank space.

Recommended temperature range: 24 - 27 C. [SIZE=-1][Display in Farenheit][/SIZE]
Recommended pH range: 6 - 7.8.
Recommended hardness range: 5 - 15 dH.

Warning: You NEED to add more aquarium filtration capacity!!!

Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is 56%.
Recommended water change schedule: 37% per week.
Your aquarium stocking level is 121%.
Morcs;3732290; said:
Awesome page, but you need dats! and the different species as well.

Not including my 2 dats, my stocking level is 128% :D
But my filtration is 187%

Which Dats do you have?
It has compatibility as well. I love this thing. I WILL use this when I am stocking my next tank.
[enjoyable_attempt];3732560; said:
Overall you have a great site, and I wanna say thanks and good job. I'm going to really promote this to the beginners I know now, specially working at a pet store.

Got all of your feedback - thanks! :D