Is your tank overstocked, are you setting up a tank, check this out everybody!


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 13, 2009
Proteus;3732841; said:
first of all- give us sizes options of the fish we got in our tank
I received quite a few request similar to yours so far. I am debating whether to do this or not though. I am also not sure how fish metabolism related to their ages (and their sizes). Need to do more research here.

I have fish that are way over the standard length of their specimens due to the fact that some of them are quite old especially a catfish that wont stop growing
Aha ok, so you were referring to larger than usual case, rather than when they are young hence smaller than adult sizes.

Which ones do you have that are like this? And how big are they now?

second of all give us more in filterations as some of us have multiple filters going on in our tanks- merely 2 is a joke for some of us.
some of us are growing out some fish etc....
This used to be a popular request up to about a month ago. Look for a link "Add more filters" - and you can have more than 2, up to infinite numbers! :D

third of all- when I got the result of 3 different plecos and I got a warning of 23-25 c, all 3 same showing and yet I got a warning that they're not compatiable if they have all same results BTW they're warmer temp ranged fish than 23-25c to start with. As L270 is an hypans not a panaque so it does not need driftwood. and its gonna die in a 23 C water parameter as thats how I killed off my shipment when they first came out that was the info on the web but now that I learned its more warmer temp pleco its happier in a warmer temp and 25 is just the threshold.
Aha let me look into this. Most of catfish data came from and few others. But I do value those with experiences in specific species more than profile sites in general. At the end, I am interested in collecting the correct data.

I thought it would have been fun to play around but with the inability to plug in our own fish's true size its kinda not fun to see what would happen if we jammed the fish tank with our raised fry etc etc etc
You have a point and you are not the first one to point this out. It is on my wishlist already.

some of us actually do not use filter but use sump and air driven sponge. Don't know if that is also on the list as didn't look for that as well.
I don't have sumps yet because I need at least somewhat reliable way to quantify the filtration capacities of sumps. Some others are also interested and are giving me some ideas so we are looking into it.

As for the sponge filters, I do have only one branded ones on the list - Hydro-sponge. I will be adding more branded ones but not sure what to do with unbranded ones since again, this is not easy to quantify the filtration capacity.

Anyhow, thanks for your feedback! These will be very useful as well. :D


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 13, 2009
L021;3733210; said:
It has compatibility as well. I love this thing. I WILL use this when I am stocking my next tank.
No kidding! :D

In fact, only 10% of the code devotes to calculating the bioload. Bioloads are pretty easy to handle - the app is capable of holding independent bioloads for each species so if it is not accurate now, it will become accurate eventually. For more common species, I've been receiving comments since September so it is in a pretty good shape.

The other 90% is for compatibility and this is much much harder and I'm not even close to being done. The key thing here is that the app is flexible enough to store and detect any combination of incompatibilities between any species. The biggest challenge is to put all that knowledge into it and even worse, find people who know them all! With 7 years of fish keeping experience in me and probably around 100 species I kept, it represent at most 10% of my current DB... :D ouch. So I will continue to use profile sites but more importantly, listen carefully to expert feedback.

I try to do weekly releases and address some of the items on my wishlist. Look for some of what has been discussed here in the new releases.

See the following link to get some idea how past releases are done:


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 13, 2009
What's new for 2009 12 27 build:

- Added Metriaclima sp Aurora Yellow.
- Added Pseudotropheus sp Kingsizei (Metriaclima pulpican).
- Added Tiger Danio.
- Refined warning message for the species that require male to female ratios.
- Updated for Rainbow Cichlid. They should be raised in a group of 8 and also added some species specific notes.
- Updated for Silver & Asian Arowana. Minimum tank size has been increased to 100x35 inches.
- Updated for Asian Arowana. Size has been updated to 35 inches.
- Updated for Chanchito. Minimum tank size has been reduced.
- Updated for Yoyo Loach. Aggression defence has been increased slightly.
- Added Hydor Krystal series filters.
- Added Aqua One Aquis 1250 filter.
- Added "What's this" link next to filtration capacity number. Many questions were raised on what this % number meant.
- Fixed a bug: Occasionally, "Please specify the quantity of fish you want to add." is being displayed at inappropriate places. Now this is only displayed if you try to add species without specifying quantity.
- Fixed a bug: It was possible to bring down quantity of selected species to -ve territory. Now if user removes them down to zero or less, the given species will be removed from the selected list.
- Filtration capacity % will no longer be displayed as 0% if user didn't select any filters.
- Now displays an appropriate warning if a species that becomes aggressive when it starts to breed is mixed with another species that does not handle aggression well. This attribute is being fine tuned so it may not correctly display for all species.
- Introduced one decimal place for filtration capacities to gain some further accuracy.
- Added 6.5g bookshelf tank.
- Total number of tanks in DB has been increased to 58.
- Total number of filters in DB has been increased to 175.
- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 491.

I am way behind in terms of adding newly requested species due to my laziness during this holiday break. I'll work on those eventually so please be patient with me. :)

As usual, please click on AqAdvisor site to access the application.


MFK Member
Nov 10, 2007
yhbae01;3728501; said:
If you are referring to me, I am not quite a kid since I have some of my own. :D

Once again, some feedback would be appreciated, especially if it is reporting wrong results.
No I was refering to one of the kids on AC,or Aquaria Central,not you. One of the kids on that site linked your site.Sorry for the confussion. :)

It seems good to me on my 180 gallon tank.
Seems way off on my 55.
You also need to add Eheim 2262 to your list of filters.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 12, 2007
Port Orange, FL
yhbae01;3731989; said:
Perhaps it is feasible. Need to reverse engineer numbers to quantify capacities though. If I can have some real examples that work, this can be done for sure.
For the sumps most people I talk to seem to shoot for a sump 1/4 to 1/3 the volume of the tank, and a pump that will circulate it 6x or so per hour. So with mine I entered user defined and rated it for a 100G tank, as I've got a ~30G sump and a pump pushing 600gph. It's very inexact though, not accounting for media type/volume etc.

yhbae01;3732000; said:
What is RBP???
Red belly piranha, P. nattereri. I think it's already on your add list.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 13, 2009
Morcs;3734169; said:
I have ITs and ATs, but you should put all 5 types on there due to their popularity, especially on MFK :D
What are ITs and ATs?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 13, 2009
fishbum;3734215; said:
No I was refering to one of the kids on AC,or Aquaria Central,not you. One of the kids on that site linked your site.Sorry for the confussion. :)
Aha ok. :D

It seems good to me on my 180 gallon tank.
Seems way off on my 55.
You also need to add Eheim 2262 to your list of filters.
Could you post your stock for 55g please? I'd like to fix it is possible.
I'll add 2262 in the app. Thanks.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 13, 2009
CTU2fan;3734284; said:
For the sumps most people I talk to seem to shoot for a sump 1/4 to 1/3 the volume of the tank, and a pump that will circulate it 6x or so per hour. So with mine I entered user defined and rated it for a 100G tank, as I've got a ~30G sump and a pump pushing 600gph. It's very inexact though, not accounting for media type/volume etc.
Its a starting point. Let me see what I can do with this - thanks.

Red belly piranha, P. nattereri. I think it's already on your add list.
Yup that one is on my wishlist now.


MFK Member
Nov 10, 2007
yhbae01;3735101; said:
Could you post your stock for 55g please? I'd like to fix it is possible.
I'll add 2262 in the app. Thanks.
Here are the results for my 55 with a single GT,and 2 Emperor 400

Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is 997%.
Recommended water change schedule: 6% per week.
Your aquarium stocking level is 32%