Is your tank overstocked, are you setting up a tank, check this out everybody!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
yhbae01;3728537; said:
Sounds like you have some serious amount of filtration! Once again, please let me know if that is what you expected or not. Thanks.

no its absolutely overfiltered I expected that. I am at 107% stocking and at my calculations this is a dead on figure. Props to you sir! :headbang2
both my 35 and 70 are ridiculously overstocked... but apparently I need more white clouds than I thought in my ten gallon...

Allegedly 13 odessa barbs in 35 gal is too many. I kind of agree...
DMD123;3731233; said:
I entered in my info for my new tank i am setting up and it told me my fish would outgrow it.

It had plenty of filtration so that was no problem. But I really did not think a Midas as a single occupant would "outgrow" his future 120g home (60x18x26). I thought he would be comfortable.

When I added my pleco and some silver dollars (x5) to the tank specs; the filtration came into question. Especially when the pleco was added.

I know this new tank is not that big, but it should be comfortable for my fish.

The reason it reported that Midas would outgrow that tank is because I read that it would be too big for 4ft tank. I didn't know 5ft tank exists! So currently, it is set as 6ft as a minimum requirement.

If Midas is ok for 5ft tank, I'd gladly update DB for you. Can anyone else confirm this?

Also, Plecos are notoriously dirty and they become large, so I am not surprised if it makes a significant difference overall.
CTU2fan;3731333; said:
I really like this calculator. Some things you could add, an option for general sump/wet dry filter, maybe let people input the sump size and flow rate.

Perhaps it is feasible. Need to reverse engineer numbers to quantify capacities though. If I can have some real examples that work, this can be done for sure.

Media options as mentioned above would be nice but I think it would be difficult.


Also I'd like to see chalceus and cigal shark (Leptobarbus hoevenii) added, but adding fish I'm sure is more a matter of time than anything else.

As I mentioned in the previous message, just about all fishes currently in DB are requested by users. Yours could be added too! I'll add it to the wishlist.

You could market this thing, pitch the idea to the bigwigs at the chain shops, they could have little kiosks in the stores where people could input their tanks and stocking...certainly more helpful than the little species cards they have like Pacu: tank size, 55G etc.
TheCanuck;3731410; said:
i cant get it to work!!
somone punch my info for me!

55 gallon , ac110 , magnum 350 , the powerhead with bio chamber connected i dont know what its called.... stock is srt and FH.....

Does it work for you now? It should be fairly straight forward.

O and for the sump and wetdrys , you should do bio area in measurement... so that people can just say they have a sump take a ruler and measure their total bio space that is in their sump.... that would make it so even DIY sumps could be compatible to this cool little system

Makes sense and noted. Thanks!
brianhellno;3731434; said:
Another vote for piranhas. Preferably Pygocentrus Nattereri.

It has been added to my wishlist. Look for my release notes in the future!
CTU2fan;3731446; said:
Yeah, I would probably start with RBP and then stuff like rhomb etc. later...RBP are probably the most commonly kept I'd guess.

What is RBP???
drgnfrc13;3731489; said:
The only problem I had with it was that tire track eel wasn't in the species list, so I had to click fire eel instead.
EDIT: Oh, never mind. It's listed, just misspelled... should be tIre track eel, not tYre track eel.

Yes, there was a spell error there. I'll fix it for the next release.
gspille;3731532; said:
Just type in your tank by the dimensions l/w/h. It will calculate larger size tanks that way.

That is true. I still would like to add more common tank dimensions on the list though. Does anyone know if there is a site that lists larger tanks? Most sites I've seen so far stops at 200-ish tanks.

tcarswell;3731608; said:
no its absolutely overfiltered I expected that. I am at 107% stocking and at my calculations this is a dead on figure. Props to you sir! :headbang2

Excellent! :D