Jaguar catfish temps

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Is it worth getting?.. Any more info on them?

Anticipate not seeing them much. Mine hid like crazy in smaller tanks but in my 300 gal they were out and about all the time. Sometimes they were the most active of my fish
Cool!.. Could they hold there own? Possibly with GT, JD, Oscar

Hold there own with cichlids probably not. But theres a good chance the cichlids will pay no attention to them. I see the oscar being a problem in terms of getting food to the cats but best advice is to try it out and see how things go.
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Agreed with jaws. Theyre more likely to hide from big cichlids perpetually than risk feeding while they're awake. Post lights out feeding will work best probably.
Agreed with jaws. Theyre more likely to hide from big cichlids perpetually than risk feeding while they're awake. Post lights out feeding will work best probably.

Its weird and im sure there are many factors that trigger certain behaviors that we/I just dont under stand. In my larger tank the jags were beasts and would push large 18 inch polys out of the way during feedings. They were always out and about. When they were kept in a 75 gal the always hid. They are back in the smaller tank amd reverted back to hiding. I think moe214 moe214 has an active one.
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These two congicus are probably 18+ inches and the one didnt want any part of the jag