jcardona1's Aqua Forest: GONE LIVE!!!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Yanbbrox;2390848;2390848 said:
Planted tank to a poker game in 5 posts? amazing!

Any picture updates
haha thats how we roll! but no updated pictures at the moment. BUT, i did do a few changes in the tank. i removed all the blyxa behind the pile of rocks on the left and added some taller stem plants. i did this because the rocks on the left were too high and hid the blyxa.

updates in a few weeks when the plants get settled in and grow a little :) and algae issues are pretty much all gone now with the exception of cladophora or blanketweed. ive been getting this in my HC and its a PIA.

Ive been squirting it with H2O2 daily and it seems to be dieing a little. i hope it goes away because this is the algae from HELL! lots of people nuke their whole tank because of this :irked:
jcardona1;2389470; said:
not really man, we dont play online at all. that scares me!!! lol i lose $10 and feel like i lost a fortune :ROFL:

check it out.....

ultimatepoker.com.... it is free and hella fun... i started with 2k now I am at 67k in 1.5 weeks

I even can't make my HC spread that out... keep failing it keeps staying in the very same spot I planted it....how many did you purchase to be able to get it started to spread out though?
jcardona1;2390889; said:
haha thats how we roll! but no updated pictures at the moment. BUT, i did do a few changes in the tank. i removed all the blyxa behind the pile of rocks on the left and added some taller stem plants. i did this because the rocks on the left were too high and hid the blyxa.

updates in a few weeks when the plants get settled in and grow a little :) and algae issues are pretty much all gone now with the exception of cladophora or blanketweed. ive been getting this in my HC and its a PIA.

Ive been squirting it with H2O2 daily and it seems to be dieing a little. i hope it goes away because this is the algae from HELL! lots of people nuke their whole tank because of this :irked:
I'll sit back and wait then:D

Hope you get the problem sorted

Ugly but should help the algae problem:
jcardona1;2378741; said:
thanks man. those grassy plants are blyxa japonica

oh? I guess I already have one of those.. Looks different in your picture.
I guess mine is still growing...

Proteus;2392367;2392367 said:
I even can't make my HC spread that out... keep failing it keeps staying in the very same spot I planted it....how many did you purchase to be able to get it started to spread out though?
how are you planting it? it spreads better if you plant in bunches of 3-4 stems rather than a big clump. also need to make sure you co2/lighting/fert levels are good...
Guerillah;2394010;2394010 said:
how are your algae problems now?
i think theyre pretty much under control. more details in post #221 :)
jcardona1;2393346; said:
how are you planting it? it spreads better if you plant in bunches of 3-4 stems rather than a big clump. also need to make sure you co2/lighting/fert levels are good...

its a 55g tank:

and 3-4 stems? I was doing around 10 at a time, now I'll try 3-4 stems at a time and see how fast it goes

current WPG: 2.36 as I do only use the 2x65s at one time.
(JBJ 48" Compact Fluorescent 4 x 65 Watt Aquarium Light)
Fert: flourite mixed in with the sand and excel dosing once a week
no CO2 as I am not crazy about adding those to the tank due to my L46s as they are my prized babies any other options?

for the lighting: I usually have it on 12 hours a day.