jcardona1's Aqua Forest: GONE LIVE!!!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Proteus;2396166;2396166 said:
its a 55g tank:

and 3-4 stems? I was doing around 10 at a time, now I'll try 3-4 stems at a time and see how fast it goes

current WPG: 2.36 as I do only use the 2x65s at one time.
(JBJ 48" Compact Fluorescent 4 x 65 Watt Aquarium Light)
Fert: flourite mixed in with the sand and excel dosing once a week
no CO2 as I am not crazy about adding those to the tank due to my L46s as they are my prized babies any other options?

for the lighting: I usually have it on 12 hours a day.
so you havent had any algae issues by having your lights on for that long? from what i see in your info, i think the problem may be your carbon. i dont think that once a week with Excel is enough for your HC. i would dose Excel everyday. i dose it everyday in my tank along with the pressurized co2 and the HC is barely creeping along.

also, i think you may need to start dosing your macro and micro nutrients. from my experience, and what ive read online about other people, HC is very delicate plant. if conditions arent right, youll lose it in a blink of any eye or it wont even grow. ive also read that once its established, it grows like mad. mine hasnt grown like mad, so there could be something im still doing wrong. i havent figured it out yet :nilly:

good luck :)
jcardona1;2396968; said:
so you havent had any algae issues by having your lights on for that long? from what i see in your info, i think the problem may be your carbon. i dont think that once a week with Excel is enough for your HC. i would dose Excel everyday. i dose it everyday in my tank along with the pressurized co2 and the HC is barely creeping along.

also, i think you may need to start dosing your macro and micro nutrients. from my experience, and what ive read online about other people, HC is very delicate plant. if conditions arent right, youll lose it in a blink of any eye or it wont even grow. ive also read that once its established, it grows like mad. mine hasnt grown like mad, so there could be something im still doing wrong. i havent figured it out yet :nilly:

good luck :)

I've never had algae issues :headbang2 got BN to take care of the problem, I only have SNAIL issue which is driving me nuts as they eat holes in my wide leafed plants as I was stupid enuff to believe that the seller who sold me the java moss said he had no snails in the tank however it came with cherry shrimps and before I knew it- I'm hit with snails.

However back to the issue of macro and micro- EXCEL is micro right? Macro I believe is the flourite and the fish crap. Correct me if I'm wrong.
jcardona1;2393351; said:
yeah i saw that, but id have nowhere to put it! this tank is in my living room and it would look fugly sitting outside of the stand :nilly:
I thought that as well, cool a great solution, hang on where could I put it? On display only, err no:)
Ok, just some quick updated pics! Things couldnt be going better right now. I think I finally have this planted tank thing down. I have NO ALGAE whatsoever at the moment. Keep your fingers crossed!! :)

Plants are doing great as well, HC is getting nice and thick and has almost filled in everywhere, even at the corners. As you can see, I added some taller stem plants behind the rocks on the left since the b. japonica was too low for these tall rocks. These are Rotalla wallichii and Heteranthera zosterifolia (Stargrass).

The red cherry shrimp are doing awesome. These guys have some really deep red color. They are getting fat and have had lots of babies. I can even see some females full of eggs. Hopefully i'll have a massive colony soon!!

So, what do you guys think of the tank now?? :D :D :D


















Guerillah;2417176;2417176 said:
Looks beautiful man, job well done.
thanks, glad you like it!
wow...i just become more impressed with every new pic. cherry shrimp look awesome on the foliage! (if that's what they are ;))
Austin;2417251;2417251 said:
wow...i just become more impressed with every new pic. cherry shrimp look awesome on the foliage! (if that's what they are ;))
thanks Austin! its amazing when i go back and look at my old threads when i first planted the HC. looked like tiny little weeds barely sprouting lol. and yeah, the shrimp are red cherry shrimp.

id love to get some crystal red's but they are a little pricey for tiny shrimp!
jcardona1;2417089; said:
Ok, just some quick updated pics! Things couldnt be going better right now. I think I finally have this planted tank thing down. I have NO ALGAE whatsoever at the moment. Keep your fingers crossed!! :)

Plants are doing great as well, HC is getting nice and thick and has almost filled in everywhere, even at the corners. As you can see, I added some taller stem plants behind the rocks on the left since the b. japonica was too low for these tall rocks. These are Rotalla wallichii and Heteranthera zosterifolia (Stargrass).

The red cherry shrimp are doing awesome. These guys have some really deep red color. They are getting fat and have had lots of babies. I can even see some females full of eggs. Hopefully i'll have a massive colony soon!!

So, what do you guys think of the tank now?? :D :D :D
DANG! man...great job...Yamato look out here comes Jcardona... :headbang2 :headbang2 :headbang2 :headbang2 :headbang2
zennzzo;2417415; said:
DANG! man...great job...Yamato look out here comes Jcardona... :headbang2 :headbang2 :headbang2 :headbang2 :headbang2
I wouldn't go that far on the first planted tank;) but is growing nicely, keep up the updates and thanks for posted it:)