Not really, they just tend to be a nuisance as they will have orgies on your plants.
More than likely, you had some eggs or snails already in the plants when you got them. They tend to be almost microscopic/clear so you wouldn't have noticed them.
BTW, are you going to have a cleaner crew in there? I really suggest hitting up someone for some cherry shrimp or minami's (all the same species, just different strains) or if you can get your hands on them (for a good price) amano shrimp.
If you want any suckers in there, go with Otto's as they don't get big, and won't start feasting on wood/plants, tend to chomp down any algae you'll have.
All of the above look cool in the tank as well (minus snails if you don't like them)
Let those snails grow out and let me know if they are MTS or Ramshorn. I'll take em both though! lol.