jcardona1's Aqua Forest: The Beginning

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Don't get ghost shrimp if you ever plan on adding some CRS etc. The ghost shrimp get too aggressive and will kill your smaller more expensive shrimps...personally i'd wait until i got a hold of some nice CRS they are friggin sweet!
some snails are bad for plants i think ramshorns are bad. but if they came in on your plants then they should be fine. and shrimp are not that hard to keep just have good water quality and they will go crazy. cherry shrimp and those types will breed alot more then amano. i have tons of cherries breading in a small 5.5 gallon so you could have millions in your tank. also i think wyld has enough and is selling them so talk to him if your interested.
Have WyldFya get you some shrimp if he has some for sale, or check on planted tank for some sellers. there's actually a website devoted to selling shrimp only, and have crazy strains on there, like ice blue, yellow, green, etc etc.

Crystal Reds are cool looking, but more expensive, Cherries are cheaper. Yes, they will breed like crazy. They'll even live in your canister filters!

If you don't want to drop a load of cash on them, just pick up like 10 or 20 at a time, that way they can breed a bit, and you can introduce new shrimp into the tank so you don't have too much inbreeding going on.
I just found this thread bro. this is epic, keep it up. I want to see updates!
Thanks Liam. more updates next week!

and thanks for the advice on the shrimp/snails fellas. i think i might go with some cherries to start off, i like the color on these. crystal reds are white and red, right? these are awesome looking, once im comfortable with shrimp, ill get some of these.

is there anything special i need to know about their care? im assuming dry ferts wont harm these guys. will they be a problem with my HC?
They'll keep it cleaner in the HC carpet as well. Babies will live down there until they feel big enough to come up and out into the 'world'.

How much longer until you start adding more water?
ChrisGray;2144461;2144461 said:
i never heard of using glad wrap before. does it work well?
yeah, when youre growing plants emersed (out of water) the plastic wrap is a requirement, unless you growing the plants in some air tight container. the wrap helps to keep in the moisture as the water doesnt evaporate, it just drips off the glass back into the substrate. othewise, the plants would dry out very quickly. i havent added water since i first started this and there's still plenty of moisture in there. i just mist the plants lightly about 2~3 times per week...