Keeping Gar in a Pond?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I found this link on PA gar from the PA Fish & Boat Commission. It says that spotted and longnose gar still occur here in western PA, and shortnose gar disappeared recently. I remember from River Monsters and a few other websites that the alligator gar did use to occur here too. Any ideas on a species choice?
Any ideas on where to get a longnose or shortnose gar if I decide to go with a native species? The spotted gar are native, but are also illegal to have as far as I know. Maybe a crocodile gar (alligator gar hybrid) might fare better due to hybrid vigour and the adaptibility of alligator gar in comparision to other gar?
Here's a zoomed in aerial view of the pond with notes on it's depth.