Keeping Gar in a Pond?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
florida gar and no house near by the pond? what if sum wild animal comes and says MY WATER! like you c sum snakehead crawling haha
Ok, I don't think the florida gar won't work lol. As to something claiming the water, I'm not concerned about any snakeheads, or any fish for that matter, getting in there since it's on a hill and the nearest river is at least a mile away. The ducks tend to chase away any other animals such as geese lol. My house is across the road from it, and I can see the pond from there.
I agree with hao about that aquabid picture being a florida gar with juvie color- if the lake partially freezes and your local gar tolerate it then they would be my choice- to find them find a place in the northeast that does pond stocking- if they dont carry them, they will either have something else that you like from the area or knows of somewhere that does- and as a bonus they will have better multi-fish discounts so you can start off strong with 10 or 20 gar
Dude, that pond is perfect. The Gars should be able to handle that water, but there must be some way you can filter it a little bit to clear things up a bit. I only say this because once stocked with Gar I would pay to come snorkel there.
Also, when deciding on Gars don't forget about the Gator Gar ;)
Maybe I could dig a small trench to redirect some of the groundwater from the hill by the pond to help clear the water. I only have a 3ft flathead catfish in there, as far as bottom feeders go, so I don't think it's a major contributor. Would planting more plants in and around the pond help too? The majority of the water comes from a spring anyway, so reducing the groundwater intake shouldn't hurt the water level too much.
get an arapaima! haha and a barramundi