In addition to the Beni Kumonryu and the Yamabuki, Scott and Monica Boyd of Cape Coral, FL also donated other quality koi to us - Yamato Nishiki, Kikusui, Sanke, Showa, and Platinum Ogon:
Total stock overview of the exhibit, 10:00 to 17:00 minutes:
Finally, I'd like to report that in the recent months we have adopted out the majority of our koi, around 100 fish, most of the smaller ones and all of the lower quality larger ones, leaving only the largest and, regardless of size, the highest quality. All the goldfish but two have been adopted out as well to local hobbyists. So currently we have about 30-40 koi left in the exhibit.
We also lost our beloved 28" Shiro Utsuri, the "Alf", which we had for 10 years (bought it at already 2' size), to some kind of internal tumor. I attribute this to poor diet of cheap Zeigler pellets, albeit I must note we don't know the age of the fish. More on the topic can be found here if desired:
In part because of the Alf's passing, we have switched for now to 90% NLS pellets while searching for a better staple pellet than the Zeigler pellets we have used for 12 years.
The missing scales and the bloodiness is the work of tank mates and have nothing to do with the primary cause of death, which was all internal.