• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Lots of pics past and present

I really like the rock placement in the helleri scape. That standing piece looks good mixed in among the smaller pieces. You definitely have an eye for aesthetics.
Thank-you, mrrobxc. That's a complement coming from you.
Here are some pics of that tank from start to now.I think these are my favourite fish I have kept to date.I do have a soft spot for thorichthys though.

2014-05-04 20.30.38hel a.jpg

2014-05-04 20.37.23hel c.jpg

2014-05-04 20.50.16hel j.jpg

2014-04-07 22.07.59nice helleri pic.jpg

2014-04-12 14.58.23helleri3.jpg

2014-05-04 20.42.00hel f.jpg

2014-05-04 20.51.17hel jj.jpg

2014-06-04 18.25.22th c.jpg

2014-06-04 18.24.19th b.jpg

This is how the fish and tank look now.







Notice you have parachromis and vieja sharing a tank how do they get along and how big of a tank is it
The tank was 7x2x2
I never had the large parachromis long.I bought it at that size and it only lasted a couple of months. it just died,no symptoms, alive one day dead the next.I had no aggressive issues.
The smaller one is a Freddie. I had him for some time,again no aggressive issues.
Love those helleri. Little spangled dwarf central american eartheaters. They look great.
Love those helleri. Little spangled dwarf central american eartheaters. They look great.
Yeah i love this species.I have found them very peaceful and very interesting to keep.
I'm thinking of putting them in a bigger tank with some hetro's. I'm also trying to breed a huge school of the otapa swordtails to go with them.
Would love to see that. Hetro's are hard to source. Good luck with them. I think I recall seeing Dan at COA with them before. If I'm not mistaken, aren't the helleri from the coaztcoalcos system? If so, you have lots of choices for a biotope.
Yeah helleri can be found in the coaztcoalcos system. There are some nice species. I really like veija species in general but the hetro's should be quite peaceful.
Lee Nuttall who has the cichlid scene publications has some really nice CA biotopes. He put one up for the aquascape contest and won a prize for his syspilum biotope. I'd say your helleri setup is even nicer than his.

You should do a wrie up on this setup and push to have it published in a fish magazine like TFH. Explaining the setup from conception to finished product would be a good read for the hobby and many folks would learn a lot about proper husbandry of these CA cichlids. Doing a deep dive into species and compatibility would be icing on the cake.
I know Lee Nuttall he introduced me to the east anglia cichlid group.I also know the tank you speak of containing the synspilum. It was a beautiful tank.
I have had my tanks featured in a British publication called practical fish keeping.
It felt great to have the tanks in there.
The chance to share tanks with other people who are interested and appreciate the hobby is always appealing. So who knows may try one day but for now I enjoy sharing set ups on here.