Little update.
I've made a lot of changes recently. Some I am a little sad about.
I have let go of a lot of fish lately for various reasons.
First of all I have found a new home for my ray. This is the change I am most sad about. I loved the ray and for people dedicated enough and with a big enough tank,I highly recommend them.
My ray is now with an experienced keeper with a much bigger tank than mine.
At last she has the space she truly deserves. I'm sad to see her go but I know she is much better off as my plans for an upgrade went out the window after the house flooded.
I have also let go of all my heros and Oscar. I was getting tired of the constant aggression from the heros species and the Oscar also proved to be a very aggressive individual. These have also all been rehomed.
As far as big fish are concerned, I'm done.
I can't help but pity them these days and feel a 210 gallon is too restrictive to species over 6 inches.
Not preaching here,it's just my view on it.
I also find(to me at least) that larger fish always look out of scale in their surroundings. The overall look and the scape of the tank are important to me and I feel the smaller the fish the more convincing their environment can look.
Moving forward I have purchased a group of 11 Bolivian rams. I've always liked this species and love to watch the dynamics of a group of them. The tank is due a re scape and I will be building a biotope around my rams.
I'm hoping with such small cichlids I will be able to create a setting for them that is more like a home from home,rather than a tank with a few stones in it.
I am also hoping to see some natural behaviour and hopefully some spawning.
Most of all I am hoping I can watch my fish without feeling any sense of pity for them as I so often do.
Here are a few pics of my young rams just after being introduced.
I'm finding these guys just as feisty and entertaining as any large cichlids I have kept. I also feel confident that I can meet their space requirements, now and for life.