I think yours could do quite well.Thanks Dan, I'll take a look.
I think yours could do quite well.Thanks Dan, I'll take a look.
Thanks Amy,Thanks for sharing the videos , Stan! All gorgeous fish.
I noticed in the second video that your Bolivian rams are as aggressive to each other as mine are. Seriously, they have a lot of mean in those little bodies.
My geophagus will pick at each other but stop very quickly, my Rams will chase each other clear across my 180. Its good that they are small.
Amy,those discus are stunning!Alenquer F1 discus pair:
Thanks Amy,
Amy,those discus are stunning!
As for the rams being aggressive mine are all at various stages of breeding at the moment. It always happens after I chuck in a load of leaves.
Aggressive behaviour is a little higher than usual at the moment. Having said that, they never inflict damage on each other. They will probably revert back to schooling together again when it's all over.
Me too Steve, very similarThe ram aggression reminds me of thorichthys behavior.