Lots of pics past and present

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Don't know sorry, it's my l095 pinecone plec...

Back on topic;-)
Your restraint amazes me, I couldnt have that tank without at least one larger centre piece fish...
Have you considered one at all, an uaru would probably work.
Thats a beauty profile pic, still have that....vieja?(Is that what it is)?
Well seeing is how we are going off topic a little, stanzzzz7 what fish is in your profile picture? I’ve been dying to ask a couple of members what fish are in their profile pics, and this seemed like a good place for me to ask about yours :-)

Is it a fish you currently own? have owned? Or want to own?
Your restraint amazes me, I couldnt have that tank without at least one larger centre piece fish...
Have you considered one at all, an uaru would probably work.
I love Big fish mate, I really do, but for me at least, unless I have a huge tank they don't look right. It's a scale thing with me. I may be on my own here, I don't know?

Your restraint amazes me, I couldnt have that tank without at least one larger centre piece fish...
Have you considered one at all, an uaru would probably work.
As much as I like big fish, I feel anything much more than 8 inches would look out of scale for the size of my tank and the way it is scaped.
I am mostly into groups of same species fish that like to live in group's.
I want to add a few more festivum. When they all reach around the 7inch mark, they should make a nice center piece.
Well seeing is how we are going off topic a little, stanzzzz7 what fish is in your profile picture? I’ve been dying to ask a couple of members what fish are in their profile pics, and this seemed like a good place for me to ask about yours :)

Is it a fish you currently own? have owned? Or want to own?

They are thorichthys helleri laguna catazaja.
Probably my favourite species I have kept.
Colourful, not too aggressive and a manageable size.
Here are some pics of them.
