This was going to be my reply, almost verbatim.I suggest stop the meds and increase your water changes gradually. Also weekly would be better than biweekly 20-30 isn't enough. Your Nitrate level may also be higher.
What type of water dechlorinator used.
Sorry for the late reply yes that's possible especially if not made for aquarium.Could any decor be leaching something?
Yea, I thought of that yesterday. I did take a 60 second video but couldn’t manage to capture any flashing. Mostly, because the temperament of the fish changes to I’m being fed, instead of a relaxed state where they can fixate on the abnormality’s that are causing the flashing. I’ll try to sit in front of the tank long enough to where I can capture it, then just edit the video to a shorter (viewer friendly) duration.Any chance of a video to show the behavior when it is happening?
Yes, it’s all the fish besides the Pleco. Never seen a Pleco flash before so they may have a different physical response due to the swimming style. I previously had several plastic plants in there that were probably over a decade old that I had used prior but have since removed those and placed two Amazon swords in the middle. The clown loaches seem to enjoy the taste of them since they look like Swiss cheese now lol. Filtration is two AC110’s and a Eheim 2262.This was going to be my reply, almost verbatim.
is it all the fish? or just certain fish.
Also, just a consideration. Could any decor be leaching something? I ask as the stock is low bioload for the size of tank. Could be an immature filtration system.
Sorry, I mainly uploaded that to illustrate what may be inducing stress to some of the fish. Which in turn could be causing an outbreak that would affect other fish? I’ve battled this alpha issue with Fronts from the get go. I trade an Alpha in and the next in line simply takes its place to bully the rest of the pack. I figured the massive upgrade would help alleviate the issue but idk if I have the worst luck in getting all male fronts or if it’s something else I’m doing wrong….@snake_charmer I don't see any evidence of the flashing you are asking about in that video.
I have never kept Frontosa before but what I do see is the larger Front chasing the other one who is obviously trying to get away from him.