I have had this in newly set up tanks where pecking order is being established. Loaches and fronts will do this until they are satisfied. Don't change much during this period and check no single fish is getting bullied to the point health is affected.Sometimes fish will do that to show dominance or, "that's my spot". It's often done right in front of another fish as a display.
@snake_charmer the latest video shows more of the behavior but I still don't think it is excessive.
Are you using any other products or chemicals besides a water conditioner? Any buffers whether commercial or home made? Plant fertilizers?
Have you ever checked your pH, GH or KH and if so, post the results.
@snake_charmer the latest video shows more of the behavior but I still don't think it is excessive.
Are you using any other products or chemicals besides a water conditioner? Any buffers whether commercial or home made? Plant fertilizers?
Have you ever checked your pH, GH or KH and if so, post the results.