Marbled Convict Breeding Project!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

You can separate them at any time now. Once they can feed themselves without the help of mom and dad crushing up food for them they are ready to be separated. Good luck, they look great!
Well I took a minute to sit by the tank and check everything out and I have to say I'm pretty excited for some of the grow outs. I can already see some fry with black heads and white bodies and vice versa. I'm also going to try to transfer them from their main tank to a 30G.

there looking good!! how are the markings coming? it looks like you have more marbles there!!
Sounds like you have some really unusual markings coming!! Is there any normals at all? I can't wait to see them grow!! You'll prob have another batch once you took the fry out!! So be prepared! Have you looked into home yets?
Out of all the fry I'd say it's 40% normals and 60% Marbled/Markings. As for rehoming I plan on giving the normals at feeders to MFK as long as they pay shipping, and the parents won't breed again til I get rid of the fry at hand I'll divide the tank.

Sounds like you have some really unusual markings coming!! Is there any normals at all? I can't wait to see them grow!! You'll prob have another batch once you took the fry out!! So be prepared! Have you looked into home yets?
They did well!!! To have such a small percentage of normal is fantastic! I'm really looking forward to seeing how they grow ect! That's good your going to divide, that's why I darnt put a female with mine, I'm terrified I'd be overrun with convicts and it would be difficult to divide a 100 gallon haha. You ought to think about keeping a marbled female to breed back to your male. That way you could make your marbled line stronger! So what's your fav fry like? I was going to ask, how big is two face? Any idea how old he is? purley just to give me a idea of the grow rate ill be looking at with my male
Two Face is just peaking 4 inches while the female is about 2.5 inches :grinno:
I'll keep breeding them without worry that I'll get over runned. There's an endless list of what the fry can be used for. My favorite fry which is surprisingly easy to find is this marbled base with black stripes! I might keep the best marbled female I can find for myself :naughty:
Alright, got the new tank for the fry but I was wondering how do I transfer them? I was planning on doing 50% of the parents tank and 50% new water, should I put them in plastic bags and float them or just wait til the temperatures are the same in both tanks then just dump them in?
Take out all the decorations in the tank and just try to net as many of the babies as you can. Probably best to leave a few of the striped ones in with the pair so there is less aggression. They can become pretty savage towards one another when all the sudden their babies are gone. If the new tank is all set up and ready to go ( established filter, heater set) fill a bucket 1/4 with water from the breeding tank and put the fry in there. Use a length of airline tubing to syphon the new tank water into the bucket full of fry until its mostly the new tank water kind of like a drip acclimation then release the fry into the new tank.
Cant wait to see the fry!
Alright everyone is moved but I have to do a MAJOR clean up so update coming soon!