I do have a spare 27G for the fry, what size do you think I should split them from their parents and what size should I start selling them? Everything is going great and I'll type up a big update tomorrow with some photos 

awww there going great!!! i bet your really pleased arnt you? are you going to leave the pair together permanently? (not picking just wondering)
nice thread.. i was lookin to breed some myself but ended up frustrated with 6males outa the one i got. what part of fl are u in?
Looks great and very nice read, sent you a pm also
Hey everyone I'm mostly posting this video to let you guys know everything is going good and the fry are getting much bigger. But I did have a question, when would it be ok to remove the fry from the parents? Some of them don't even swim with the parents anymore, mostly swimming around picking off the sponge filter.