Marbled Convict Breeding Project!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I do have a spare 27G for the fry, what size do you think I should split them from their parents and what size should I start selling them? Everything is going great and I'll type up a big update tomorrow with some photos :)
You can probably keep them in with the parents until they start killing them to make room for a new spawn. I have a pair that will raise their young until about 1" but every pair is different. Keep the young until you are satisfied they are ready to go, since this is your first time breeding I suggest keeping them long enough to see how each one developes as far as makings etc.
Here's a short update video, everything is going great and the fry are swimming strong without their parents. I've been really busy with school so I'll try to do a big update with clean glass :nilly:

[video=youtube;ozCiGfx4gwU] olz[/video]
Looks great and very nice read, sent you a pm also :)
Once I separate the fry from them I'm going to divide the parents. Once I figure out a golden way to re-home the fry they'll be split up every time the fry are separated.

awww there going great!!! i bet your really pleased arnt you? are you going to leave the pair together permanently? (not picking just wondering)

PM sent :)

nice thread.. i was lookin to breed some myself but ended up frustrated with 6males outa the one i got. what part of fl are u in?

PM replied :)

Looks great and very nice read, sent you a pm also
Hey everyone I'm mostly posting this video to let you guys know everything is going good and the fry are getting much bigger. But I did have a question, when would it be ok to remove the fry from the parents? Some of them don't even swim with the parents anymore, mostly swimming around picking off the sponge filter.

Hey everyone I'm mostly posting this video to let you guys know everything is going good and the fry are getting much bigger. But I did have a question, when would it be ok to remove the fry from the parents? Some of them don't even swim with the parents anymore, mostly swimming around picking off the sponge filter.

You can separate them at any time now. Once they can feed themselves without the help of mom and dad crushing up food for them they are ready to be separated. Good luck, they look great!